Monday, March 3, 2014

Class Warfare, Tres Hombres

Third part, and then a summary... Then it is back to some more lighthearted fare... Promise.

Minimum Wage

The big kerfuffle over raising the minimum wage baffles me. Congress will have no problem voting themselves an increase in pay, but to hell with that guy or gal who actually does their job. Congress had it's least productive year on record in 2013... 10% approval rating, 90% incumbency rate... I am telling you, vote knowing that.

The reasons against minimum wage? Well, they are kind of easy to list and just as easy to dismiss.

1) It will raise the cost of everything served by minimum wage workers!

So, your burger and fries will cost more? Call it a sin tax. And for the record, it will not be pimply faced teen raising the prices. No, that would be the Corporations. They would rather make you pay more for the stuff that will kill you vs. taking a minuscule dip on the bottom line of profits.

2) It would make people not want to progress further than a minimum wage job!

The people making this argument are the same who think that EVERYONE on welfare wants to stay there. These same people say, "GO GET A JOB!". So the person gets a job and still can't earn a living wage. Hell, they can't earn a surviving wage. And the glory of minimum wage employment... I have done it... My high school and college years were filled with "Process of Elimination Jobs". I learned I do not want to be a dishwasher, work in food service, be a dietary manager, nor a lumber yard worker... and Blockbuster doesn't exist anymore. Speaking of which...

3) "Back in my day..."

Who cares? Back in most people in Congress' day, a burger, fries, chocolate shake, tank of gas, four new tires, a snowmobile, and blowjob from that one hooker with the funky eye, had a lisp, calls everyone "Thurger", cost a nickel. Total.

Welcome to 2014. A "snack" sized bag of Doritos costs more then an entire meal use to. All one has to do to be outraged is look at how the food has gotten smaller, and the prices have never reduced. A Whopper from Burger King was a sort of graduation... You were a MAN when you saddled up to one of those bastards... And the BK in Duncanville, Texas on Cockrell Hill used to have them for .99 cents on Sundays. Not a "Jr. Whopper" mind you. No, full size, dinner plate encompassing monster. Great... Now I have a craving...

4) We should just abolish the minimum wage altogether!

Sure, we had that once. Was called slavery. And shit got super jacked up over it. Something tells me someone who says this will have a Southern accent, IQ equal to number of teeth multiplied by 3. I also envision tobacco juice stains on a wife beater and a mullet.

The reasons for an increase to the minimum wage?

1) People could live a tad better.

I know a lot of opponents to the raise could not care less how the other half lives, but if you have a soul, it is not to hard to understand that it would help.

2) It might entice people to stop sucking off the Government teet and get that job.

What is the incentive for a person to get off the dole? "Oh, so I can take shit all day and get paid crap on top of that? Where, oh where, do I sign???"

3) Crime.

This is a stretch, I grant you... But much like the previous point, maybe if there was an incentive to counter the illegal life... Probably not, but I would be willing to give it a go. Crime figures into the whole class warfare scenario, but that will be in the summation.

There are some companies who get it. Costco treats their people an assload better then Wal-Mart does. If I were to ever need five pounds of Mayo, I would go there before I go to Sam's Club.

In N' Out Burger pays their people more. They also have more stringent hiring policies. The places are super clean*, the staff attentive and helpful, always busy doing something. They have pride and it shines through. And for the record... Double Double, Animal Style, Protein Style, Cut in Half. Respek! Booyakasha!

Both proponents and opponents will bend and molest the statistics on the economics of it... Statistician's creed: "Numbers do not lie, but I can make them dance to any tune you want them to, if the money is right."

I really have no problem with raising the minimum wage. I think 15 bucks is a tad high. I LOVE the fairly elected President's plan of circumnavigating the constipation that is the Republican party. He set, by Executive Order**, the minimum wage of Government contract jobs at $10.10. That is a number I can live with. I personally think $11.11 would be better, but I am biased as that is my birthday.

Yes, the Republican Party - Blockage of compacted fecal matter, causing discomfort.

On that shockingly accurate description, I part with this little tidbit of wisdom... Don't you want the guy in charge of your food to be a happy camper?

Spitting on the burger of society,


* - When the 2nd ever In N' Out was set to be demolished, a guy went in and was blown away. He went in two days before it was set to close and everything was still impeccably clean and standards excelled at.

** - Obama has issued 168 thus far... The Retarded Cowboy, Bush Jr. did 173... IN HIS FIRST TERM! So, keep the "abuse of power" speeches to a duct taped murmur.

This blog brought to you by ZZ Top (of course... Look at the title, Silly), the Mighty Met, Alice in Chains unplugged, Led Zep, Iron Maiden, Iggy and the Stooges, Alison Krauss and Robert Plant, Halestorm, Kim Jon Il (He's so ronrey), the Stones, the Offspring (Covering the Ramones), Wolfmother, Alice Cooper, and Rash Rush.

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