Sunday, June 28, 2015

It's Wha Bwings Us Togethah Twuday

This week the Supreme Court, after being schooled as to just what the fuck a marriage is... Did something right.

They allowed "same sex marriage" to be now known simply as "marriage". People who love each other can now get married. States who are trying to stem the Rainbow tide can basically suck it.

I quipped in a Facebook post:

"Today, Discrimination got told to "Fuck off. There is no place for you anymore. You are the tool of the fearful, obtuse, weak minded, and myopic."

Sadly, discrimination is never going to go away. That is because there is no shortage of the fearful or obtuse. We are chock fucking full of the weak minded and myopic.

Even if the LGBT community was accepted with open arms, people will find another group to fixate on as the cause of all their woes. If they can't figure out what to fear, they will watch Fox "News" and within an hour, they will figure something out...

I have witnessed discussions betwixt the opposing camps on the Marriage Equality issue for years. Every argument posited by the, oh let's just call 'em "Haters", has been summarily proven to be without merit and lacking substance.

The first thing the Haters grab is the Big Ol' Book of Hypocrisy... The bible. "It's a sin! Sez so in black and WHITE POWER.... I... mean white!"

Yes, it does say that... It also says something about killing all non believers and people wearing mixed blends of fabric must die? It also defines marriage in a slew of ways that are none to moral in this day and age.

Another couple of points about the bible as the crux of the Hater's case... 1) The bible is of NO concern to the laws of the United States of America. It has no legal value... It is as important to the legal system in this country as "Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban". Argumentum Deflaytus

2) I, for one, and a rapidly increasing demographic of the population, have come to the realization that religion is bullshit. It is control and promise of something there is no way to know a damn sight about.

After telling a Hater to shove their bible up their ass, figuratively speaking of course, they employ the go to, "Sanctity of Marriage".

If Ashton and Oliver next door being married is causing you problems in your marriage, I have a suggestion... MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. Try concentrating on your house and getting that in order.

Besides, I guarantee you their yard will look fab-you-luzzzz.

I like words (Ya think?). Sanctity is "the quality or state of being holy, very important, or valuable". Well, I have made my feelings crystal clear about the whole "holy" thingy. Very important? Yes, marriage is very important. You know which of my three marriages was the most important?

Pick a damn year and I'll tell you.

Valuable... That's interesting... Value is determined by the individual. With a divorce rate of 51% in this country, I would say some values are being estimated differently by individuals.

I have heard of a trend of "Starter Marriages". Where women, primarily, get married in their early years, seeking stability, and possible financial gain. When the well is dried up or they feel they achieved what they want and are NOW ready to seek out love... Divorce...

Sanctity indeed.

If the Hater has had those two standard arguments against equality slapped down, they get desperate... The "What's next???" Gambit...

If you allow the Gays to get married.. What's Next?????????

The list has included....


Some of those have been spouted by PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES... in a year starting with "201"...

Never mind it was religious cultists who practiced polygamy. Fuck you, Mormons, I see you.

Never mind incest is usually a Southern practice... Same area of the country that hosted the biggest populace of people against marriage equality... And also the largest sales of homosexual erotica? That's right! Dicks-E-Land!!!!

Never mind that pedophilia is usually heterosexual in nature. Catholics, fuck you too.

Never mind that bestiality has been against the law in.........14 states? Really? Really? That bears a modicum of scrutiny...

Never mind that a lot of people equate their marriage to this anyway...

The fear is that someone will be happier than you. It is gonna happen... Deal with it, but don't deny the happy.

It is not religion that makes you a better person, it is empathy. Being obtuse is pathetic, and I am not one for pity.

The weak minded will be dealt with... Darwinism, like love, wins.

Myopic... We all have our moments... The trick is to realize when you lacking the intellectual insight and TRY TO REMEDY IT. Don't camp out on the end of the spectrum reserved for people who have been kicked in the head by barnyard animals... probably when they were trying to do bad things to said livestock.

The Supreme Court of The United States of America just wrote the prescription...

Now... SCOTUS, about that Citizens United,


This blog brought to you by Ween (The Rainbow... how appropriate), Bad Company, Korn, Pantera, Toadies, Guns N' Roses, Mungo Jerry, Wolfmother, Cheap Trick, Metallica, Deftones, The Beatles, Sammy Hagar, Dante, Rufus Wainwright, and the Marketts.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The See Saw... OF DOOM!

Last weeks blog was formulated. Well, meagerly outlined. Okay, fine, I had a topic. That being admitted, I worked my ass off last weekend. 13 hours on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday was only 8.5...

The Work/Life balance...

"Work" is something you have to do. Paying bills is important, granted. "Life" is something that we get one of, and it is a finite resource. So, finding a balance between the something you have to do, and something you want to do.. Yeah... Let's do that.

First, as the "balance" aspect is relatively a new concept, barely a decade or so old, I want to share where it became sharply brought into focus for me. Story time, kiddos.

I worked for a company, and my manager was an ex-engineer. Engineers are very "parameter driven". Give them what they expect to see in precise coordinates and measurements... otherwise they get bitchy.

In the month of January, possibly 2003 or 2004, I and my fellow developers put in at least three 60 hour weeks. In the first week of February, I had to remedy some of the tasks that I was not able to get to due to my exorbitant hours at work. Namely, I was stuck in the DMV for an extra long lunch to get my license renewed.

I remember it mainly because the parking lot had a large billboard. I don't remember the what was on the billboard per se, but I do remember getting shit on by one of the myriad birds who were socializing on said billboard. My car was also deluged with droppings. I have driven through quieter hail storms.

So, after getting cleaned up, I headed back to the shop.

Next week, turning in my timesheet, I was honest. My total hours for the week came to 39.5. My engineer boss was expecting to see 40.

"Doug, we need to talk about your timesheet."

"Turned in on time, Bob."

("Office Space" flashbacks, anyone?)

"We can't have 39.5 hours. You are supposed to be here 40 hours a week."

"Um... DMV hosed me... What about the 60 hour weeks I pulled last month?"

"Well... we need 40. Don't let it happen again."

I could tell he was sympathetic on a human level, but as an engineer and a manager, the company line was towed... Thus, instead of arguing further, I relented.

"No problem, Bob. You will get your forty."

Guess who has two thumbs and needed presidential decrees to get him to stay one minute over 40 hours after that?

From that point on, unless I am getting paid in either money or comp time, I do not work over the time set forth in the employment agreement.

I value my time away from any place of employment. I do not care if it is sitting with a thumb up my ass watching the damn dog lick the chair. Two things... One... Yes, Lily will like the chair... because it is flavored? Two, I did not specify whose thumb...

The point is, if I agreed to give the employer 40 hours, they get 40. I rarely miss a hard deadline and I give estimates based on an 8 hour day. Do I pad it for other things interrupting? Of course. That is the nature of my line of work.

If I do miss a deadline, there will be a clear cut reason and it will be known before the deadline is upon us. It will not be because I only work 8 hours a day...

In my current job, I have had a couple of bosses. Two of them understood that things come up. I built up some "good will" time, where I would put in a couple of hours extra, work on a Saturday, or come in early. This would be so if I had a cable guy coming, or a dental cleaning, there would be no paperwork... Just get it done, and carry on.

My new boss, well... She is insane. We just had a year and a half project come to fruition. It went live this last Monday. In this time, she has maxed out her comp time earning potential. She will have to use or lose her vacation time before the end of the year.

She has admitted that her hourly rate is probably that of migrant bean workers in South America, in the 1930's..

She puts in all these insane hours... I almost feel bad for her... I still leave after my 8 though...

I told her in my yearly review, "Boss, you have a work ethic and dedication that I hope to never attain." I meant every syllable of it too.

I also made mentioned to the Boss, in regards to this monstrous project that was looming over us all, "Boss, this project could go live with out a single error. Rainbows could shoot out of people's asses with the glee over the ease of the implementation... Champagne could flow from the spigots... Trumpets... Doves... and you would still not get a parade.

This project could blow up, and causes riots and fires. Servers could catch on fire and melt. Calamity on an epic scale could ensue, and NO ONE would have the balls to say you did not work hard enough on this project."

Changed nothing. As I mentioned... insane.

X3 was an educator. If you know teachers, you will know that there are good and bad ones. If the teacher you know puts in 12 hour days, they are one of the good ones. If not, they are in it for the summers off. X3 did a lot of 12's... Many 16's....

Here's a list of the happiest countries in the world by They looked at the workers and working conditions... *spoiler alert* U.S.A. - not in the top ten...

For fuck's sake, Israel is #6... A place where a valid excuse for being late is "A fucking bomb exploded" has a happier workforce than us. That should really make ya think.

Companies (and municipalities) will spout during interviews, that they promote a healthy work/life balance. Of course, that 24 year old kid, who is not married, no kids, and no other obligations puts in about 60+ hours a week... Killing themselves to get that extra 2% on their raise... Making you look like a non team player for pulling your agreed upon 40. Enjoy that 2%, Chief. Hope it helps support that cocaine habit...

Companies see Coke Boy putting in all those hours, and it becomes some unwritten rule that you are supposed to as well... Companies do nothing to remedy the situation either, as it is more cost effective to have a slave labor force. With dental.

Not to get all Tyler Durden on you, faithful reader, but it is like he said... Man was not meant to be in a cubicle or office all day.

Work is something to maintain what you have and where you are at. Life is something you do to move forward as a human being.

I guess after working twelve days in a row, the most painful lesson I learned was: If you are caulking and have hairy legs, wear jeans.

Pulling my hair out,


This blog brought to you by Cake, the Rolling Stones, Cracker, Ted Nugent, the Archies, Rodrigo Y Gabriela, Scorpions, The Cars, Megadeth, Journey, Korn (double shot - Noice!), Weird Al, System of A Down, Thompson Twins, Rob Zombie, Heart, 1000 Homo DJs, and Loverboy (Guess the song, dare ya!)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Ribbons Are Neat And All...

I have been absent the last couple of weeks. Traveling due to work and then traveling due to vaykay, the anti-work. The blog here took a backseat.

I have noticed that a lot of the GOP contenders for the presidency have been doing the, "Let's talk to the people!" tactic, and it has been going gloriously wrong. A student confronted would be Emperor Bush III about ISIS, pointing out the fact that his brother was the main reason for their creation... He was a bit flustered.

Oh, wanna know why ol' Jeb has not officially announced his candidacy? Now, understand that he IS out there campaigning and raising money... He has not announced because until he does, he can talk to the money guys in his PACs. The moment he announces, he can no longer do that... THAT would be illegal. Fucking cheating fuck. If you vote for this piece of shit, you are fucking stupid.

A man who recently buried his son asked Sen. Tom Cotton, "Where's our MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner?"

On Memorial Day, out at Scarborough Rainessance Festival, as I was waiting for opening cannon, a man approached me. "Excuse me, Sir. Are you a veteran?"

That question will always make me wince. Can I claim it? Technically. Did I serve in a non-friendly area of the world, separated from wife and family? Yes. The fact that I was in the USAF is besides the point...

Compared to members who have, still are, and will do actual militaristic shit... I just don't feel comfortable with the title. Yesterday was the anniversary of D-Day... Those guys are vets. I am a guy who played dress up for four years by comparison...

He was asking because they wanted veterans to wear a yellow sash, and march in the parade... I did not swear to uphold the Constitution for medals, and surely not for recognition. It is not that I am "ashamed" or "unhappy" with my service, rather, I did not do so to get the "Thanks for your service" bump.

Home loans, sure...

I politely informed the gentleman that I did indeed serve, but would rather never march ever again in any parade. He got it.

Now, when I was on vacation, there was a group of jubilant people surrounding my room's entry... My room was named, "The High Island". Kismet, I tells ya! We were sitting around, drinking in more than moderation, enjoying each others company and conversation.

A younger gentleman, not a skilled drinking professional as most of us were, was hovering. He desired inclusion, that was painfully obvious. Upon including and introductions being made, it was also obvious his affection for bumper sticker Patriotism.

He punctuated most of his sentences with "Murica!". This would be while taking a selfie, flexing his bicep in a curl fashion, and stating his power word.

Seeing as how the conversation was a level or six above his intellectual grasp, he would latch onto a bumper sticker sized nugget and if it did not compute with his star-spangled criteria, he would take umbrage. Not fully "antagonistic" or "belligerent", but approaching rapidly with every drink of shit water beer.

He asked me, "So, you don't love Murica?"

"I am pretty much done with the concept of nationalities, and feel that our clinging to a sense of them is a detriment to the entire human race. I do however love a country that bestows upon me a freedom to have and express these sentiments."

"So, you don't love Murica?"

"I served, Did you?"

Those are the instances I WILL break out my service. I am not a fan of people who beat the war drum, or are blind to the multitudes of problems our country possesses - Taking credit by stepping over the serving members and veterans.

"Look how much I love my country, that I did not serve or do anything in the form of volunteerism to help! Murica!"

It worries me that a lot of politicians are calling for involvement to combat ISIS. While I agree that they do not deserve a place on my planet, I believe you can not kill an ideology. The Boston guy who was shot by cops was said to be "instructed" or "radicalized" by ISIS... but had no direct contact with ISIS... I am sketchy on the deets, so, please forgive.

After the shooting in my hometown was found to have "links to ISIS" and ISIS was claiming responsibility, I joked that if you got a flat tire, and the tire guys found a nail in it, ISIS would claim responsibility.

This again leads credence to my statement that YOU CAN NOT KILL AN IDEOLOGY.

Presidential hopeful, and Southern belle, Lindsey Graham said, "If you are against war, don't vote for me." He wants to invade every country that is brown in the game of Risk. He actually served, but he was a poster child for REMFs* if there ever was one.

In the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters of combat, the total cost SO FAR is... I am skipping to the next line so it does not break at a comma...


T is for Trillion.

In the last couple of decades, the Veterans Affairs, has had budget cuts. Hospitals have been found to be run ineptly, to the point of being criminal. The backlog of paperwork is a perversion to people who actually love paperwork. Nothing new... Truman bitched about the VA needing help.

I mentioned the cost of the wars up there... But even more costly and makes me angry as fuck, is in the time it has taken me to write this blog, statistics say that a veteran, a person who has served this country honorably, has committed suicide.

Every 65 minutes.

In this coming election do some actual RESEARCH. Before you cast your vote for a person who might make a lot more veterans, look at the voting record to see if they do anything for the men and women coming home. Jobs programs for vets? VA funding? Assistance programs? PTSD acknowledgment? And then listen to "War Pigs". By Black Sabbath. Faith No More... Hell, even Cake does a nice cover...

The election is over a year away, so... in the mean time...

Operation Homefront

Wounded Warrior Project


Support our troops?

Shadoobie, my brains been battered,


This blog brought to you by The Knack, Nick Cave, Queens of the Stone Age, Rufus Wainwright, Pink Floyd, The Presidents of the United States of America, Faith No More, Willie Nelson, Alice In Chains, Ministry, Led Zeppelin, Tesla, John Cougar Mellencamp, Korn, Bob Marley & The Wailers,
and the Rolling Stones.

And Mint M&M's... Awesome.

* Rear Echelon Mother Fucker. People who make decisions in an air conditioned office that gets people killed.