Thursday, March 6, 2014

Class Warfare, Parting Shot.

This is the end... My only friend, the end. Thanks, Jim Morrison.

In the first part I talked about taxes. More to the point on how the system is rigged for the wealthy to remain such and the poor to do the same. The rich are at the top of the heap... And they won't be happy until they have more. Well, until others are unable to attain the level they have amassed.

In the second part I waxed philosophically about the redistribution of wealth and concluded it will come about in a none too peaceful manner. Sooner, rather than later.

In the third part, I discussed the minimum wage debate. Ramifications of raising it will make the corporations, whose dime is earned on the backs of wage-slaves, make the choice of taking a hit on the bottom line, or making you and I pay for it. Noooo, that won't cause resentment directed towards some high school burger flipper.

In the third part, I mentioned crime. Kids today are inundated with images and depictions of people living the good life in "reality TV" (Which is not reality. Barely TV). The see someone young musician douche who is in the big house, has the fancy rides, and a nonstop party going on all around them.

For the benefit of argument, lets say this entertainer actually plays a musical instrument. His/Her ability is the sole reason for his/her success. They did not inherit his celebrity, like the Kardashian clan of worthlessness. He/She (No, not a Justin Bieber slam) did not have a sex tape stolen/leaked on purpose (again, like a Kardashian). No, they have actual talent.

What kids are NOT being shown is the YEARS, almost DECADES that person put into honing their craft. They played until their fingers bled. They practiced until they could not see straight. Then they practiced more. They fell asleep with the instrument in their hands.

The kids viewing the musician are not shown the many, many rejections and failures dished out. The barrage of "Your good, but not good enough" being accepted as a challenge, rather than a defeat. These parts are not paid attention to and glossed over.

Instant gratification is the name of the game for the youth. "Work Hard! Save Money! Someday you too can have it all!" is a mantra lost on them.

So, back to crime... Kids in no win situations... Surrounded by crime and the easy dollar. Seeing that crime DOES pay, along with a "Not gonna live forever" mentality, multiplied by the "I want it NOW because everyone else is rich and famous!" quotient... And you have the recipe for a criminal... Now, not all kids are like this, granted... But you see what I am saying.

So, young criminal gets busted. Felony charge. Loses their right to what?


Looking at prison population statistics, it is clear that certain demographics get imprisoned at a higher rate. One could argue that it is because they committed the crime and got sentenced for it. True... But they can't afford a lawyer like Ethan Couch. Kid kills four and gets PROBATION? If you or I did that, Buh Bye. Jail time! If a African American killed 4 white people while drunk driving? IN TEXAS?

The justice system is skewed in favor of people of means (Not race, but means, which does usually translates to the ol' caucazoid!)... Comedian, and part time Prophet, Dave Chappelle did a nice skit once... A sort of "What if" on how it would look like if a drug dealer was treated like a CEO and a CEO was treated like a drug dealer. Way worth your time... Click here. Thank me later.

So, no justice. No means to enact change. Nothing being done by ANYONE to remedy the situation. Haves vs. have nots. You have rich, nay, filthy rich people comparing their "persecution" to the Jews in Nazi Germany. I can't make this stuff up! Mr. Perkins, if you want sympathy, look between shit and syphilis in the dictionary. You are not going to find it here.

As a writer once reminisced, "We waged war on poverty, not poor people." I submit to you that Class Warfare has already started. The first shots were fired a long, long time ago.

Was not born with enough middle fingers and I am pleading the fiz-ifth,


This blog brought to you by Jerry Cantrell, Marilyn Manson, The Doors, U2, Anthrax, Fleetwood Mac, Kid Rock, Dangerous Toys, Green Day, Alice In Chains, Incubus and White Zombie.

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