Monday, October 27, 2014

The Pandemic of the Anti-Academic

"Oh, come on, Casey. You have to admire its simplicity. It's one billionth our size and it is beating us." - Sam Daniels, or Ratzo from "Outbreak".
I have avoided the blog about the Ebola virus. Even though I live fifteen minutes east of where the first guy in the U.S. died from it. Even though it has been politicized. Even though when I went in for my dental cleaning last week, I had my temperature taken. Even though people are acting the fool... I refrained.

Last night, after a shitty weekend... I was plagued (pun intended) by dreams of my contracting the virus. It was the kind of thematic dream where upon waking up, you realize, "Man, that was fucked up", only to fall RIGHT BACK INTO THE DREAM!!! Can't happen when I am dreaming about Charlize Theron, nooooo....

So... Ebola. Not a lot of fun. Kind of depressing, actually. This from the man who will debate you that 80% of the world's population needs to "go away.".

Stopping Flights

The knee jerk reaction... Read that phrase again and place emphasis on the middle word. Every person of a medical/scientific background, not employed by Fox "News"*, has repeatedly stressed that this would be a stupid idea.

The major reasons for not stopping flights are as follows... 1) Doctors and "People Trying To Stop the Epidemic at the Source" need to get INTO the countries. Imagine a battle for a continent. Now imagine people with big ol' brass balls diving into Hell on Earth, headfirst, to fight that war.

These people are trying to get the source, the epicenter, and get it under control. If WE, as in the human race, do not do that, then the cases of infected people getting out will continue, and increase.

Think of a fire... People are losing their shit and getting stupid over a stray ember or two. Embers need the attention, sure...Trying to stop the aid workers is akin to stopping the people with the hose from putting out the actual fire.

2) The second reason stopping flights is a dumb fuck idea is that there are rules for travelling by plane and that helps keep dispersal low and traceable. In Africa, the transmission is usually contained to villages... Those villages usually are completely wiped out by the disease, and as cold as this sounds, that is a good thing.

Containment is the key and by stopping flights, those who feel that there is nothing left to lose will seek less "regulated" means of escape and travel. At the airports, if  a person is tested and found to have been exposed to the virus, they don't just point them to the nearest dock or bus station... I hope...

The Nurses In Dallas

I tried explaining to my salt-of-the-Earth co-workers, who were of the opinion that them thar nurses were idiots for not following protocol, to imagine you have a snowmobile in Texas.

I would vote that the snowmobile, like the "In Case of Ebola" Binder had collected some dust from not being used or looked at in decades. Should it have been browsed (or at least taken off the shelf) once the news of the virus spreading in Africa hit? Sure... Hindsight is a mother fucker.

These ladies deserve nothing but accolades and admiration. Did they do everything right? No. But until I get the invitation to your "Perfection Coronation", shut the fuck up. It is easy to cast derision from the safety of your own home vs. an emergency room.

Also, nurses are in direct control of the needles that may or may not enter your body at varying degrees of "owwwww". Mad props to the nurses.


Due to the proximity of the mid-term elections... Many political ads have started to include Ebola comments. I have yet to hear of any politician come out in favor FOR Ebola.

This is not a political issue. This tactic of fear mongering, panic inducing verbage.... Seems to be used more by the party without one single idea of what they actually believe in, that resonates with people who are NOT crusty, old, rich, white dudes.

What is the most depressing fact, is that the majority of the rhetoric is about how the candidate was FOR restricting flights... Which I already discussed as a jerk move... I do hate repeating myself...

Politicians, when questioned about climate change have repeatedly quipped, "I am not a scientist." Well, they seem to be Virologists, Epidemiologists, and know better then the head of the damn CDC.


Stupid, Stupid Humans

Heart disease, obesity, tobacco, guns, alcohol... These things are killing humans, 'MURICANS!!!, in droves... But any regulation to impede these things is infringing on your rights... Basically, you want your bullet frosted rum cake and eat it too...

I saw a report from a person warning people not to eat "strange mucus" until this crisis is resolved.. WTF??? Once we get a handle on the Ebola thingy, then we can go back to slurping up the mucus we have not been properly introduced to?

My favorite aspect has been the fact that EVERY doctor or scientist interviewed has said WITHOUT FAIL to NOT PANIC. Of course, these same scientists could scream until they are blue in the face about climate change and get crickets... Or refuted by politicians... who are not scientists...

While not a fan of humans, I am not rooting for Ebola either. If it could be directed, controlled.... No more NASCAR!!! Turn that nightmare into a dream!!!

In the still of the night, I hear the wolf howl, honey,


* - In fairness, Shepard Smith from Fox "News" did a nice piece about how the media needs to calm the fuck down.

This blog brought to you by the letter J... Also The Royal Scots Dragon Guard, Dethklok, Pearl Jam, The Theme From Batman '66, Ministry, The Scorpions, Dangerous Toys, Anthrax. The Rascals, Led Zeppelin, Weird Al, Green Jello, ELO (Why????), Simon & Garfunkel, Finger Eleven, The Blues Brothers, The Rolling Stones, Whitesnake!, and Cake (non Bullet Frosted).

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Can I Get The Piss On The Side?

As I text a lady friend that, "I got nothing", in reference to this week's posting, I start to wonder why I have nothing to rant and rave about.

I then think about an interview with Sully Erna, the lead singer for Godsmack. In it, he intimated that it is hard to write angry or be all pissed off when you are rich/happy.

While I am far from rich, I will admit that I am pretty damn happy.


Work is a nice break from being home all the time. It also allows me to catch up on the TV I miss when DJ'ing chatrooms at night. I also have to plan out five sick days I have to use before the end of the year.

We are about to be in a nice stage of upheaval. We are shifting modes of operation... I could go all Weird Al "Mission Statement", which is a song of nothing but corpo-jargon-speak. Regardless, the system that has been the bread and butter, that I wrote and maintain, is getting gutted.

There are pieces of the existing code that will be retained, and retooled. A more modern version, if you will. I am enjoying switching the language of the code. Something of a challenge.

The new software is pretty neat... I look forward to getting in there and learning the new system. This way, any municipality that uses this software might be able to use a programmer that can actually modify the UI or data structure to be more conducive for them... In other words, I can go anywhere that uses this widely used, industry leading software package.


As I mentioned, I am not rich. I am, however, all about the financial plan I have instituted. I am gonna try like hell to stick to it.

It will take a year of "sacrifice". Which essentially means, no buying swords at Ren Faires. I can handle the limitations. No shiny, sharp, metal objects!!!!

After this stupid year... I should be out from under a credit card bill I have had since I went to Butler County Community College. GO Large Predators, Some Type of Bear, I Think! Thankfully, the interest rate is still what it was in 1991, when I was issued the card...


The damn dog is doing well. She needs to drop a couple of the pounds. She is also either going deaf or being more of a spiteful diva.

I say that because when I come home at lunch to check on her and let her out, she is almost oblivious to my entry to the house until I wake her up... This was NEVER the case before. So, THIEVES... C'Mon over!

When she was had her neck problem that caused her to yelp in pain, she avoided me like a plague. If I came in to a room, she would leave, PDQ.

It has been at least a month since she has yelped... Closer to six weeks (Yes, I knocked on wood). The other night, as I got ready into bed, loving the sensation of the cool sheets enveloping my body, she jumped up on the bed. Spun twice and plopped on down. First time since mid-June? Yeah... I cried a tad.

The weather is getting to the point on my rest nights from the gym, I should take her for a nice walk. Get her used to the harness I bought. That and not let her finish my damn sandwiches for a while... She should slim down in no time...

The Folks

The parents celebrated their 49th anniversary of being happily married this week. I think the longest I have ever done anything is I have breathed for almost 42 years...

I know that their accomplishment is something I could never achieve... So, as I know they my most dedicated readers, Mazel Tov, Mom n' Dad. You make me sick. In a good way...

I also know and am pleased that I will get to see them soon, albeit briefly, as they are gonna come down and watch Lily for a weekend. That is because...

Texas Ren Fest

Got to get my mead on. Got to wander around, armed in public. Nov. 8th and 9th I believe is the plan. Houston bound. Time to dust off the kilt...

And Finally... 

I have been seeing someone. Met her online. We have a lot in common, almost too much. We both hate people. We both would like to escape Texas at some point. We both love to read and write.

"Other than your lack of flossing, I find you to be a truly stunning person." - Text from her. Honest. Safe to say she likes me.

If I can get over my inclination to wait for the other shoe to drop, it could have legs... Almost as nice as the legs she happens to possess.

It is still in it's infancy, so I am almost remiss to write about it... But it all Taratino's back to my original point...

I am pretty happy. I got no real bitch in the world... I mean... Sure the gym could get another stair machine... I mean, really... One???

I also have to get a crown on a tooth this week... You can still drink with those temp thingies, right??? And since ol' girl is in the Dental Game, I will refrain from saying anything detrimental...

She did let something slip though... If you are an asshole... They can make it hurt more then it should. I actually thought that was awesome-sauce.

Hopefully next week, I can be back to my curmudgeony bastard self...

Mother, did it need to be so high?


This non-blog brought to you by Cake, Metallica, Weird Al, Nirvana, The Darkness, Pink Floyd, Anthrax, Slipknot, Led Zeppelin, Rodrigo Y Gabriela, and Korn

* "Marathon Man" reference... Watch it and really, REALLY fear a dentist... Well, Nazi Dentists... "Nazi"... the new adjective for "Evil Fuck".

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Matter vs. Antimatter

As I find myself getting older, which most definitely beats the alternative of "death", I am learning more and more about things that really matter and those that don't.

Now, with this realization, one must also take into account that this is wholly personal. For example, I am involved in deep conversations with a new friend. Thus far, the biggest disagreement has come in form of "e-Reader VS. actual, flammable, smelly*, easily destroyed, can't get wet, heavy when amassed in great numbers, paper cut inducing - therefore 'bloodthirsty', books." Does anyone care to venture where I stand on that issue?

Does it matter? Hell to the no. It will, however, come into play if she were to ever ask me to help her move... THEN it matters. I envision on the 8th load of a box marked "Books", there's me... Giving a tilted, knowing, "Hey, you wanna know how heavy a 32gb Micro SD card is?" look, cast in her direction.

That example brings into sharp focus the facet of "situation based importance of the matter at hand", or "Alice", for short. Having been married three times, I know that my quick thinking skills are never more important and truly matter than when confronted with the "Hey, does this outfit make me look fat?" Crucible. I should probably make mention that I am thrice divorced...

I think this was whole topic was brought to the forefront yesterday as I was out and about. I stopped in Half Price Books. Went to the vinyl. Nothing. Well, there was an $80 copy of Pink Floyd's "The Wall" I just could not justify... As I have two copies already... I went to the art books (YES, those I will go with "real" over the e-Reader, Shuddup!), no Micheal Parkes. I did check their Blu-rays for "Hitchhiker's"... Nothing. So I leave.

I go to Party City... Halloween costumes... Meh... Although... a Deadpool morphsuit could be fun... But too esoteric... Quality fangs? Nah...

I go to Best Buy, my other toy mecca. I am at a place financially where I have no trouble being able to drop about $500 on just about anything, AND have it paid off with having paid zero interest. Not hurting... THIS used to be a downfall... Because I would continuously find things that MATTERED. I could easily justify the most inane shit that invariably found it's way to eBay at a huge loss to me.

I eyeball an XBox One for a while... And I can't even bring myself to consider it... WTF? I had the discussion with Dad a while back, concerning my lack of "enthusiasm" towards getting new, shiny toys...

"You have gone through your 'acquisition' phase. Now comes maintaining."

"What comes after that?"

"Downsizing. Finding out what REALLY matters."

I also remember talking to a co-worker, years back. He was essentially a hoarder. If he saw a deal, in his mind, it was economically stupid for him to NOT get it... He had over fifty fishing poles... Two arms last I checked... Important note: He was also in a loveless marriage. He jokingly quipped one day, "I don't know why I feel I have to do this sort of thing?"

"It is because you have a hole you are trying to fill. Right now, you are filling it with material possessions. They won't let you down. They won't withhold from you. Sadly, they won't fill that hole you keep trying to fill.", was my reply.

"Damn... You are right. How'd you know?"

"Why do you think I have so many toys? That, and we can smell our own."

I eventually filled my hole... Well, the patch is holding. I am just more focused on what matters.

So... What does matter?

Lessee... In the foreseeable future...

1) Texas Ren Fest - GOTS to get down to the ren faire. It has been far too long since I have been armed in public... And all that Mead Training I have been doing...

2) Mid Term Elections - Just when you thought it would not get political... 73% of Americans are not aware there are elections this year. WAKE THE FUCK UP! Here is a little tidbit to help snap you out of your lunacy... Congress (which is comprised of the House of Reps, and the Senate) has an 8% approval rating... and a 90% incumbency rate... What is the definition of "insanity" again?

In the local arena, the big one is to see who will take over for Rick "Reverse Superman" Perry. On the one hand you have Wendy Davis. Mostly remembered for her "Standing Up" filibuster for women's reproductive rights.

The attack ads on her are about how she is too Republican in her shady dealing. Basically, "This is how we scam the system! Get your own playbook!"

She is going up against "Who Cares About a First Name" Abbott. Perry clone. The attack ads literally call him an empty wheelchair. Seeing as how he is IN a wheelchair... I can see them taking umbrage with it... But that ad also talks about how he got his eight figure payday from the accident that put him there and he has voted against pretty much every case of victim's rights since.

3) The Cast of Characters in my Life. My friends. My family. All 32 of you... You matter!

Seriously, that is kinda sad... By family I mean Mom and Dad. I was alarmed that last week's blog thingy made Mom cry. I made mention that Dad was a hero of mine... She got all silly about that...

My friends... You know who you are. There is need to get together and plan the aforementioned numero uno trip... Let us make way to the northern Houston area... And that right quick.

There is a new person coming into the mix... I am liking where things are heading, but always with trepidation, concern, and caution and it is so very early in it's formulation.

"Pineapple" and tapping "Shave and a Haircut" for a non-verbal, good to know,


* For the record... I miss the smell of the pages sometimes... But it helps my argument. Don't judge me!

This blog brought to you by Stone Temple Pilots, Cake, Nirvana, Metallica, Anthrax, Daft Punk, The Rolling Stones, Ozzy Osbourne, The George Baker Selection, The Troggs, Queen, The Kinks, and Savatage!

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Of the 7.125 billion people on the planet (as of 2013), I find that I do not like an overwhelming majority of them.

That being said, I am going to be positive this week. I am going to avoid things like Sarah Palin not knowing one of the world's most recognized addresses. Or Supreme Court Resident Douche Monger Antonin Scalia's proclamation that it is okay for the government to make laws favoring religion over non-religion. All I can say is that I hope both these people meet their beloved God. Sooner would be better than later.

NO! I am going to list five people I would actually cross the street to shake the hand of. Five people who make me happy that the planet has not spiraled into the Sun, being consumed by fiery plasma and blinked away into nothingness.

In no particular order:

1) Stan Lee

More than the bible, more then any teacher, more then society, comic books shaped my moral compass since I could put words together in a sentence. I know that I have a way with words. I know that is a power. And due to this guy, I KNOW that "With great power comes great responsibility." Stan Lee is comics. Stan Lee is responsible for the greats... Spider-Man, Hulk, Daredevil, Captain America, Iron Man, The Fantastic Four, The X-Men... Dr. Frikken' Doom, who I would love to model my life after... This guy made him up!!!

These characters were my constant friends as I moved around growing up. I learned that these spandex clad peeps were everywhere. I will always be indebted to Stan Lee for the creation of these pillars of my childhood, a childhood which continues to this very day.

He is still going strong. He loves the cameos in the Marvel films as much as we, the audience, are ever vigilant to spot. Not only that, he served in the Armed Forces in WWII. Been married to the same woman since 1947!!! He received the "Most Exhalted Creator" title from China! And they hate everyone!

Excelsior, indeed, Good Sir.

2) Dave Grohl

Drummer for Nirvana, Everything in the Foo Fighters. The first demo tape, Grohl did the drums, guitars, bass, vocals, songwriting, producing... The guy is a complete musical badass. More than that, he gets that he is just a damn lucky, son of a bitch. He decided to do it his way.

Getting scoffed at when in a studio? To hell with it, he records a grammy winner in his garage. In between drinking, barbecuing, and playing basketball. Getting hassled by the label? Start's his own. Love the history, the soul, of a place that is about to be demolished... Make a documentary to preserve the memory of your hallowed ground.

Then there are the stories... He writes a song for the Beaconsfield Miners, who were trapped underground and when a life line got through to them, they asked for some Foo Fighters tunes. He gives some of his beer to a guy in the second row. He stops a concert and boots a guy who was trying to start a fight.

Here is the reason why I would cross the street though... As the credits roll at the end of the documnetary, "Back and Forth", some footage of ol' Dave swiffering the floors of his place. Millionaire Rock Star... doing chores.

Rock on.

3) Senator Elizabeth Warren

Warren, time and time again, just makes sense.

She is the only one on a committee I have ever seen really tear into the corporate fat cats. Every other politician is busy trying to get their mouths firmly attached to the bankers anus'.

I am not gonna list all of her accomplishments, that is what Wikipedia is for. That and she happened to join when Congress is at it's most dysfunctional. When she started a bureau to make it so credit card companies can't fuck with you as much as they used to, the Republicans blocked her appointment to be the head of HER OWN AGENCY!!!

So, she got herself elected to the Senate. Just the colossal "FUCK YOU!" that represents makes here cool beans in my book.

As I said, she just makes sense. Of course, this is problematic in a town where intelligence and common sense is belittled and not so common.


4) Ricky Gervais

Gervais will consistently make me laugh, just from his laughing. I have rarely seen a man so comfortable with his own sense of self, he is not intimidated by other comedians or anybody else, really.

He does a lot of work for animal rescue organizations. That alone makes him pretty cool. For me though, it is his unashamed stance on Atheism. He is not afraid to talk about it, and while it may come across as "in your face", Christians have zero remorse in proselytizing... But that is tolerated... He basically said, "I got a voice too."

His work on the Netflix series, "Derek" will have me rolling one minute, in tears the next. His David Brent is considered, by a great many, to be one of the greatest TV characters of all time. "Invention of Lying" was a great movie that will make you stop and think the next time you say "I am an honest person."

Cheers, mate.

5) Peyton Manning

I wanted to spread this list out over "fields" or "genres"... When it came to sports, I had to stop and really search. Trying to come up with a person who, just because they throw, catch, kick, swing a stick would cause me to alter my day, or course, in order to shake their hand and say "Thanks." was no easy feat.

The closest I have ever heard to someone saying something bad about the guy was, "Hey did you see the statue of Peyton Manning outside the stadium?"

"No... That WAS Peyton Manning." Not the most fleet of foot, that guy. He did host SNL though...

The reason he made the list is this: A couple of seasons ago, Manning went from the Colts to the Broncos (Horse fetish maybe?) and while the mantra of "There is no 'i' in 'team'" may usually apply, it does not with this guy. Every single player elevated their game. A Pro-Bowl receiver was quoted as saying, "I thought I was the master of game prep... Then Manning showed up." Watching him dismantle a defense was always a joy to watch.

It is his work ethic, "Aw, Shucks" demeanor, and class that I would decide to walk up and offer a handshake to the statue.

The Quick and the Dead List.

1) Nikola Tesla - Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart

2) Bruce Lee -  Please teach me some zen... and how to cave a man's chest in, Sifu.

3) Danny Thomas - Founded St. Jude's hospital. Told families who have gotten the shittiest of cards dealt to them, "We will take care of you!" THAT is how to be a human being.

In the end, these people are just that. People. They are flawed, I am not unaware of that simple fact. But each have done things and shown me how to I would like to handle it if I were to become influential or massively successful at whatever...

Be it the passion, and longevity, exhibited by Stan Lee, the grounded goofiness of Dave Grohl, the common sense of Elizabeth Warren, the unabashed happiness/exuberance of Ricky Gervais, or the nose to the grindstone, work ethic of Peyton Manning,  I hope I can incorporate some of those traits into my own life.

These people will probably be the first to tell you they are not heroes. I concur, I only have one of those, and I call him "Dad". I also shake his hand... and I don't make him get up off my couch to do so.

Takin' care of business,


This blog brought to you by Bachman -Turner Overdrive, The Polyphonic Spree, Cat Stevens, Infant Sorrow, Van Halen, Weird Al, Jefferson Airplane, Judas Priest, The Police, Alice In Chains, Anthrax, Pantera, Slipknot, The Presidents of The United States of America, The Toadies, The Springfield Twins - Dusty and Buffalo, Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Granddaddy, The Darkness, U2, ELO, Rob Halford covering Rainbow's "Man on The Silver Mountain", Paul Simon, and John Lennon.