Friday, February 28, 2014

Class Warfare, The Second Coming...

Second of the four parts...

Redistribution of Wealth.

So, do I want to punish success? No. Do I want to stifle the "Job Creators"? You'd have to point those people out to me, because I missed 'em. More on those non-existent types further down...

I do not want to punish those who are successful. I do not want to damage the already fragile economic recovery. That being said, the richie rich types need to start paying their fair share. The tax code, and generally everything else, is rigged in their favor.  Sadly, I can't afford a politician to legislate on my behalf. Sounds a little like taxation without representation, eh???

After much research (All hail the Google), the general consensus is that 1% of the population in the world, controls 50% of the wealth. That leaves half to get spread around to the rest of us... 7,000,000 to 6,993,000,000... Let that sink in. Read it again... Better yet...

Try this on for size... Say you, and 6,999 others are in a football stadium... Say there is $10,000 of cash in the middle of the field... SEVEN of the group go down and claim half .... $5,000 between them, and the rest is divided between 6,992 of us... Seems like there is not enough to go around, eh? On that scale, I am pretty sure seven people are getting jacked.

And yes, I know some of the 6,992 are a-holes who like to start trouble where that isn't any, and we all agree that they should not get any because they will just waste it, but you get the drift!

"Job Creators"... The biggest crock of shit dished out since Reagan had everyone believing there was a "Welfare Queen in Chicago"... Bush Jr. gave the wealthy hellacious tax breaks... and we were hemorrhaging jobs in the six digits for a while... Where were the "Job Creators" then? They were collecting bonuses for shipping jobs overseas...

"Oh, okay.... the companies didn't flee because of the taxes, they fled because of the regulations!"

Sure... That was their choice. Rick Perry, governor and Head Boob of Texas, got radio spots in major cities around 'Murica, spouting "C'mon on down to Texas, we won't regulate you!" This was in the same month that a small Texas town was all but obliterated off the map.

The fertilizer plant was storing something like ten times the amount they were "regulated" for... Perry doubled down on the fact that he was proud of the way Texas duz bizniz!

Texas did have more job growth during the recession then other states... That is true... Little side note: It was 80-90% minimum wage jobs... Hooray, one of the unhealthiest states got more McDonalds!!!

When I say redistribution of the wealth, I am talking about people giving back. Being patriots. Helping out their fellow Americans, who ARE trying to get back on their feet. I am all for people pulling themselves up by the bootstraps. Some need the fucking boots!

There are people, born into situations beyond their control. It isolates them from a level of interaction and normalcy, that we take for granted. These poor, rich bastards...

They will never understand or have comprehension of "want" or "need"... They will never "get" being poor... They believe in their heart of hearts, people choose hardship. People who are not rich just didn't work hard enough... And of course it must be drugs... ALL POOR PEOPLE ARE ON DRUGS!!! But keep it down, Mummy's Valium is about to kick in and she shan't be disturbed!

But what about philanthropy? Well, I am not against it. I am realistic enough to see it as a tax dodge for the most part, though. You want to impress me, Daddy Warbucks? Donate to a charity, but leave it off your tax forms. Show me that and I will tip my cap to thee!

The prime benefit of a little redistribution is that public services/programs would get the help (funding) they desperately need.

"Oh, so you are for big government!"

No... I just know the Republican playbook... If a program that is pro-Citizen, yet hurts the Corpo-Overlords even remotely, is passed... Step 1) Starve it. There is no Step 2. After they slash funding to a program enough that there is no way it can run effectively, the Republicans love to scream "THIS PROGRAM COSTS ALL THIS MONEY AND IT DOES NOT WORK!".

I have talked to welfare case officers whose case loads were such that they have no time to look into claims or the people making said claims... They are told to rubber stamp the claims and keep it moving. The solution? Add more case workers... get the system running more efficiently... ***screeeeech***

 My friend and I at work have gone round and round about this... He likes to do the hypothetical "If you ran a company...". And I make mention to him that if he, or I, ran a company, we would help out our employees. This is because we know what it is like to struggle. To work. To worry about bills. If our company did well, everyone in our company would do well.

I firmly believe that after WWII, the men who came back and made companies, founded corporations, had a kinship with the workforce. There was a good chance, they chewed the same dirt while dodging the same German bullets on the same European beaches. These titans of industry took care of their workforce.

Then the offspring took over. Their wages have yet to see a decrease. The rest of us... While not a decrease per se, far overshadowed by the 1%'ers upward trend... For example... from Mother Jones,

I have oft heard that behind every empire, there is a crime. Prescott Bush, grandaddy of the Retard Cowboy, got an assload of money for helping the National Socialist Party gain control of Germany. They went by another name... Nazis. That is just an example. I do so love slamming that shameful excuse for a human. THE BUSH FAMILY GOT THEIR MONEY FROM HELPING HITLER!!!!

There will come a reckoning. Someday, someone will be pushed too far. It could be a guy who has done right all his life. Paid his bills. Paid his taxes. Played by the rules. Tried to help his fellow man. Then maybe his wife and daughter are killed by a kid driving drunk... So, this kid gets probation and rehab... This kid will serve ZERO jail time because he was rich and "never told no"... This is because of the kid's wealth.

This is another reason why the redistribution of wealth will happen. And more and more, I am thinking it will come with a heavy dose of violence.

Like Burke in "Aliens"... As a matter of fact - The main bad guys in any Cameron film... It is not a Terminator, nor a Xenomorph, nor an iceberg, nor a deranged, scene stealing Stephen Lang in a exosuit - No, it is always a rich guy or corporation pulling the strings...

Founding Member of the Gloominati,


This blog brought to you by Slipknot, Faith No More, The Presidents of The United States of America, OLD SCHOOL AEROSMITH! (Non sell out, coked up, classic), Puddle of Mudd, Dangerous Toys, Vivaldi, Stevie Wonder, Ozzy, The Cult, The Beatles, The Fighters of the Foo, Marilyn Manson, Buddy Holly, Neil Diamond, Beck, and Pink Floyd.

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