Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Foregone Conclusion To Being Tripped.

Ah, Fall... Or Autumn, if you prefer. I don't, mainly because it would make the title seem stupid.

The time where you get sick of hearing about the following:
  • The leaves changing color... Yes... It is called "dying". People usually will remark about this one in the beginning of Fall. When they have had to rake said leaves more then once, their feelings on the matter usually change... and not for the better.
  • School. It happens every year at the end of summer. For those of us who decided not to spawn, we really could give two shits about how it is going. Wanna spot a teacher? Look for people who repeat "not prepared" or "not enough time" more than once in a conversation.
  • Football. As a person who recently decided to say "No, thank you" to the National Felon's League, people spend a tad too much time devoted to this game. Now... A Side Note...
Side Note: Last weekend, I was in Petsmart. Lily has provisions that seem to need replenishing every week... I am not kidding... I think there are three weekends in the year when I am not in there, buying something. I am oft heard to remark, "I love that damn dog, and I have the receipts to prove it."

I take my two purchases to the check out person. Imagine frumpy, pimply faced, late teens or early twenty something... Has got those stupid spacer things in his ears. Short buzzcut, that on him, made his head look like a scrotum from a 70's porn.

"Tomorrow will be a glorious day as the St. Louis Rams defeat the Dallas Cowboys."

These were the first words he gurgled at me. Reeking of smugness and certainty. I know the tone. I fucking perfected the tone. HOWEVER, I use the tone in the rare occasions when I am 100% correct and know it. Not in prognostications of football games.

I stared. Said, "Okay, are those two baseball teams?" I watched as his feeble, stunted brain tried to understand that I a) did not react to the brazen insult to the local football team. b) pretended not to know what he was talking about. c) looked at him like he was a piece of dog shit on my shoe.

He stammered, and tried to recover from his deflation... Scanned my two items and gave me the total... "$29.21"

"Okay, I am gonna put twenty on the debit and the rest in cash..."

"Ewwwkay... How much will be in cash then?"

Now, I understand retail and dealing with the public is noooo picnic. I worked fast food dammit. I try to give young people the benefit of the doubt... At Target, I was helped the cashier figure out how to do a partial/split payment. Which is why my reply of, "Are you fucking kidding me?" surprised me as much as it did him.

"Well... It is easier if I do the cash first and then the card..."

"Here is two twenties... That would be forty dollars... Don't hurt yourself." I said this in a tone that would insult a third grader.

"Sorry, man."

"The change will be $10.79. I hope your male sheep do well tomorrow."

The reason I helped the cashier at Target and not this Air Waster? First, she was cute. Second, she was new and was trying - putting effort forth. The idiot at Petsmart put the problem on ME.

And the Rams lost, by the way. I had to go in there today... And yes... I looked for him.

Moral of the story: Customer Service is becoming, if it isn't already, the leading occupation in America... Shouldn't we be better at it?

End Side Note.

Oh, yeah... The final thing I loathe hearing about in the fall... Halloween.

Halloween is not a holiday. Here is my reasoning... If Halloween is on a Tuesday, do I get that day off, paid as a Holiday? NOPE. Then NOT A DAMN HOLIDAY!

Thanksgiving... THAT's a holiday! Two days, baby.

And for whatever reason, most of the Halloween's that I remember doing something on, it was always bitter fucking cold. November 1st? Pleasant... Oct. 30? Awesome-sauce on a stick. Halloween? Cold or just shitty weather.

I remember sitting in Penny Lacy's car... Faded Green '76 or '77 Mustang, Duncanville, TX. 1980? Feeling like a wussy because I chickened out going into the haunted house Ricky Lacy and my older brother went into. 20 minutes later when they came back crying like bitches, I felt secure in my declining to pay money for the treat of getting scared.

Other notable memories of Fall...

Mom racking the leaves, us doing the goofy pictures in said piles of leaves.

First days of school, and the goofy pictures of said first days of school.

I got to call in sick for the first time in 4 years in the Fall of 1997. Ya see...

In the USAF, there is no, rolling over, picking up the phone, faking a cough and puny voice, or actually being sick, and "calling in sick." No no... You had to get up at the normal 6:00 AM. You had to go to the shop for morning muster. You had to then tell the boss, "I am going to the Med Hall." Drive up to Med Hall. (I did all this with a 103 fever and wicked hangover once). Go to "Admissions". Wait to get your own Med Chart. Get said Med Chart and walk to the building they tell you. Then you get assigned a room or told to sit down and wait. When you get to the Dr., he does the once over. He will then decide to send you home, or light duty, or just back to work. Then you will always have to go to the Pharm (I threw away no less then 30 vials of meds when getting dismissed). There is always a line. Get your pills and you are FREE... it is about 11:00AM... If you wanted to play hooky for the day? Half gone. If you were actually sick? You feel like a cup of rancid vomit in a dumpster that has been used as a homeless toilet for three days and baking in the sun.

Yeah... I looked forward to calling in sick and rolling my ass over and going back to sleep.

Thanksgivings... X2 and her family had some pretty good ones. She had the nicest "Appearances" or "Surface" family. Everything looked good on the at a glace, but underneath... Complete and utter disaster.

One Thanksgiving eve... A Wednesday, I believe... X2 told me she was going out for Cranberry Sauce. I asked her... "Have you taken your pills?" Pills was the nice way of saying, "Have you gotten your Ambien fix for the evening, ya junkie?"


She leaves and 10 minutes later, I get the phone call... "I hit a car". Which was the nice way of her saying, "I was drugged out of my gourd, and ran into a parked Ford Explorer doing 45 mph."

Moral of the story: The new Volkswagen Beetles are extremely safe cars. She had a scratched knee where it hit the key in the ignition. Oh... and drugs are bad... Mmmkay?

One or two years later, early Fall, I told my then Mother in Law, "Brenda, I am so done." Her response, "Can you at least make it through the holidays? It would mean so much to the family."

Never mind defending her daughter or the sanctity of marriage.. Nooooo... She was just worried it would reflect badly on her... Superficiality... Made here in Texas! Yee-haw! On the plus side, she did make good during X-Mas. Was a bountiful haul that year.

Last Fall was pretty special... Got to meet an important person in my life. Had one of my favorite Thanksgivings in a long, long time. There was anticipation. There were nerves. There was laughter. There was a connection.

I think Fall lends itself to reflection because everything changes. Not like Spring... where there is "hope" and a feeling of renewal. No, everything changes and you know "worse" is coming. You reflect, in order to learn from your previous mistakes and avoid them in the future... One hopes.

Winter is coming,


This blog brought to you by Savatage (now known as Trans-Siberian Orchestra), Alice In Chains, The Foo Fighters, Disturbed, Tenacious D, Megadeth,  and finally...Metallica's crowning achievement... "Master of Puppets", in it's entirety, in honor of Cliff Burton. He was their bassist who on this day, 28 years ago was tragically killed in a bus accident. R.I.P.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

And you, Madam, are NO Lycia Naff!

I read today about a woman who has been augmented to have three breasts. Then, in preparation for this here blog, I read that it is probably a prosthesis. For the remainder of the blog, I will be writing it as if it were real.

In between the two articles, I was contacted by someone requesting I write a blog about that "stupid c*nt".

While never having attended the Central University of North Texas, I could understand the requester's animosity. From what I know of the person making the blog request, it was not the augmentation itself... it was the reason given by the vapid idiot.

According to reports, she got the surgery because she doesn't want to date anymore. This was her attempt to be "less attractive to men".

Holy fuckballs... Where to begin??? But first, *sniff**sniff* Smell that? That smells like a load of shit.

Possible Pros to Getting a Third Boob
  1. You own stock in a pastie manufacturer.
  2. You wanted to have a litter or pups and the teets to feed?
  3. You can never decide on which bra to wear and you want to mix and match.
  4. You are cross-eyed... Severely... So when you looked down, you wanted there to ACTUALLY be three boobs instead of just thinking there are three boobs.
  5. You are a stupid fucking attention whore willing to mutilate and humiliate yourself in order to become another talent-less, clawing desperately for your 15 minutes of fame, quasi-celebrity, on par with the fucking Octo-Mom, and this was easier then shooting out eight pups from your diseased birthing canal.
Considered Cons to Getting a Third Boob
  1. You look like a fucking moron.
  2. When gravity wreaks havoc on the two natural udders, the cycloptic one in the middle will make you look even more fucking moronic.
  3. People will write you off as a novelty. And they will be correct in doing so.
  4. This is America... Some even crazier chick will show up with FOUR, count 'em FOUR, breasts... and you, you are gonna be last weeks news faster then Ebola can spread through third world country (Too soon?).
  5. You have to constantly claim that you are not a stupid fucking attention whore willing to mutilate and humiliate yourself in order to become another talent-less, clawing desperately for your 15 minutes of fame, quasi-celebrity, on par with the fucking Octo-Mom, and this was easier then shooting out eight pups from your diseased birthing canal.

According to the stories, the procedure cost around $20,000 dollars. I am a pretty creative guy. I can think of 8,579,321 things I could do with twenty grand before "Get Third Boob" makes the list (It's on there, don't judge me!!!). That is just off the top of my head. And that is not even including gentleman's clubs...

This person, in all seriousness, needed to devote that much money to her therapist. There is some serious mental issue, or serious lack of mental activity going on with this person.

To say it was because you want to "repel men" and "don't want to date anymore" was such an utter and obvious manipulation. If that were the actual case, why is your punk ass out showing them off and shopping them around for a reality show??? Is it to show how hard it is to have three boobs that YOU HAD DONE TO YOURSELF?

Don't want to date anymore? Want to repel men? Join a fucking nunnery!!! But wait... That would mean putting someone before yourself.

I wonder if it was the constant feeling of "needing a gimmick" to attain a level of stardom that led to this poor, tortured, idiotic soul's decision. Seeing all the Kardashians, Hiltons, Spears', and Cyrus' making money and nabbing headlines for abso-fucking-lutely NO reason other than being wastes of exposed flesh... The thought must have been, "Hey, don't waste the flesh, bunch it up, shove it between my tits! And while you're there, throw a nipple on it!"

The Outcome:

The spectacle will be too much for the masses to resist. There will be a reality show. Halloween costumes will be made. There will be merchandising and sponsors. The inevitable porn deal will be sought after...

The worst aspect to all of this is that little girls will see this woman's attempt and sickening success, and perceive it as a viable option for THEIR dreams and aspirations to be a "celebrity".

There are those who "need a gimmick", and there are those who bust their ass, honing their craft, practicing their art... The ones not out partying, flashing side boob, or upskirts, or getting their sex-tape "leaked"... There are no stories written about the hours, days, weeks, months, years it took to become great at their chosen art... Just those 15 minutes in the spotlight are focused on and sought after.

All I know is, I was never a boob guy anyway... I saw the poster for "For Your Eyes Only" at an impressionable age and the rest, as they say, was history.

Just the 'A' Ma'am,


This blog brought to you by The Who, The Rolling Stones, Daft Punk, Korn, Pantera, No Doubt, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Tomahawk, Aerosmith, The Verve, Murray Head, Queen and Blue Cheer

Today's Title Etymology:

At the Vice-Presidential debate in 1988, Lloyd Bentsen told Dan Quayle, who had just compared himself to John F. Kennedy,
"Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy."
Lycia Naff was the woman in the original "Total Recall" who played Mary, the three breasted prostitute.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Microwave Cookery

As a creature of habit (FINE... sufferer of mild to annoying OCD), when I go shopping, I have the path in my mind of where I need to go to get what I need. There are small variances that occur, sure. I hate them so.

A while back, the almond butter I usually snag got recalled. I think it was for Salmonella... Besides the obvious thought of "What salmon is eating almonds???", I was struck with the conundrum of "Do I return the jar I have already eaten out of or not?" Seeing as how this shit is damned expensive, I decided on getting the cash.

What am I needing almond butter for, you might ask? So, glad you did, by the way. Thanks.

I do the gym thingy, and sometimes when I do, my body will go into open rebellion the days following particularly brutal sessions. Walking funny, crying while trying to raise arms to shampoo hair, tying shoelaces becomes and endurance sport... Good times...

While there are a myriad post workout bars and edible proteins, a good friend (they know who they are) came across and shared a recipe with me for making a recovery treat. Almond butter, honey, chia seeds, gluten free Rice Krispies, and mini-chocolate chips. Mmmmmm, dee-lish.

ANYWHOOZLE... The grocery store I invade weekly has a barren space on the shelf normally occupied by the almond butter I throw down on. This, coupled with the fact I needed some other stuff, not offered at the one store, and I wanted to check on a particular Blu-ray, I found myself in another store. The date was 9/9/2014.

As I picked up the few stray items, I thought I would check this stores almond butter status. I get to the section, and while they do not have the brand I am accustomed to, they have others. I decide on a jar of this expensive stuff.

SIDE NOTE: For one jar, AND NOT A LARGE JAR AT THAT, of almond butter, I could buy about 7 boxes of assorted Little Debbie Snack Cakes. Wanna know why a third of Americans are obese? Because eating healthy is expensive as hell. How about we stop subsidizing Big Sugar? Just a thought...

The First Lady got criticized for saying school lunches should be healthier... And stating kids should limit their intake of carbonated beverages. "Don't you go'n tell me how feed my child!!! Now, after I give 'em their insulin shots... we gonna have wurds!!!!"

Thus endeth the side note...

I get home, and in my excitement of popping in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", I hapahazardly put the groceries away. I remember the jar falling out of the bag... into the cupboard! I distinctly remember that because it was cool as hell. Could not have planned it better.

Here is where the plot thickens...

This Wednesday, I was gonna make a batch of the recovery treats. I know the day because I did upper body and 20 minutes on the damn stair machine (that is actually an escalator phobia inducing device). I begin to gather the ingredients, contorting fingers into dizzying arrays to maximize carrying capacity. The counter I am going to set them on is five feet away... but TWO TRIPS? I already worked out once today, thank you oh so mucking fuch! Don't judge.

So, phalanges straining, I am not finding the almond butter... Where is it? Ugh!!! I set the stuff on the counter, go back and bend down to inspect the shelf in question. This, being Wednesday, and payday being Thursday, the shelf had maybe two other things on it. Nothing.

Remembering the coolness of the jar drop that was NOT a jar drop... I thought maybe it was on a different shelf. Cursory inspection of the barren cupboard yielded zero results.

I checked the fridge... Maybe I put it in there? No fucking clue as to why I would have done that, but I have found some weird shit in the fridge before. A slow moving, very upset rattlesnake being the winner by far. Nope, no almond butter.

I go back to the cupboard... Checking every shelf. Checking inside the crock pot up on the top shelf... Ya never know... Bupkis...

I invade my mind... Forcing the recollection of the shopping excursion... I remember waffling on the purchase of said almond butter due to the fact I was picking up "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" on Blu.... And "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D", Season 1 on Blu... I also remember picking up a tub of actual almonds, that I keep in my desk at work for mid morning snacking purposes.

With all those extra items, I was already dropping a pretty penny, so... I... must have... put it back versus actually buying it... Did I?... But it fell in the cupboard... Did that happen before? No... I must have put it back at the store...

This went on for a bit... And I chalked it up to I must have imagined the jar drop that was NOT a jar drop...

Thursday comes along, I get paid, I pay bills, I go to work, I go to gym, I come home, I go to booze store, I have a couple o' beers, I go to bed.

Friday, whilst at work, I comprise my shopping list. I put on almond butter the list. Underlined. Twice. Debated throwing a highlighter on top of that, but thought that would be pretentious...

I get to my preferred marketplace of grocery and foodstuff procurement. I plug in the earbuds, which is a fantastic way of letting people know, "I have no desire to talk to you." without having to be overtly rude. Old ladies like talking to me a grocery stores... I DO NOT KNOW WHY!!! I check out, I get home, I get the stuff unloaded. I pop the cork on a bottle of mead... All is right with the world.

Saturday, do my thing... Ride fifteen miles on the bike in an hour, check out Halloween costumes, and I stop by the Toy's R Us, pick up some Legos (B-Wing... fave Star Wars hoopty). I relax with my Gentleman Jack N' Cokes. I do this because I know Sunday is looming...

Today... Sunday... The "Lord's" day (I would think they would all be his...).  Creature of habit mode... ENGAGED... I get up. I let the damn dog out. I feed said damn dog. I go back to the bed and lay there. Planning out the day. I know I will be doing laundry, including linens on bed. I know I will be cleaning house. Oooh.. prolly will mop. I know I have to go to gym for Leg day... So, whilst formulating, I scope the Best Buy ad online. Okay, Laundry... I have three loads to do... Sheets, Black n Whites, Colors. On it.

Laundry is sorted, time to dismantle the bed's sheets and what not. My bed, courtesy of those crazy ass Swedes is just a mattress on springy slats, that act as the box springs. I fling the comforter to the side, I disrobe the pillow of their cases. Off with the sheet. I get to the foot of the bed. I grab the fitted sheet, and pull up.

The mattress lifts of the frame, exposing the corner of the floor underneath the bed. There lies a jar of almond butter. Correction... THE jar of almond butter...

Damn dog.

Nice gnaw marks, Lily.

I have got to start believing in me more,


This blog brought to you by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Pantera, CCR, Tool, Alice in Chains, Kim Jong-Il, White Zombie, J. Geils Band, Neil Fucking Diamond!, Foo Fighters, Grand Funk Railroad, The Beta Band, Alan Silvestri, Led Zeppelin, Faith No More, LL Cool J + The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Joe Walsh, Stevie Ray Vaughn & Double Trouble, Anthrax, Bob Marley & The Wailers, Korn, Gruntruck, and the mighty Metallica.

Today's title etymology:

The old guy in the Simpsons, Jasper, walks up to Rev. Lovejoy at the Learning Annex.

Rev. Lovejoy says, "'Coping with Senility'?"

"NO! 'Microwave Cookery'!" berates Japser, who then pauses, "Wait... 'Coping With Senility'"

From the CLASSIC Season 4, Episode 16, "Duffless",

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Abundance of Lose.

A wise man once said, "Damned if you do, damned if you don't". That man was probably faced with something like "Do I go to the orgy first or the Vomitorium first?" Oh, those silly Greeks!

In order to understand the nature of the no-win situation, one must first accept that there are two sides to the situation at hand. This is vital. Crucial. The can also be two outcomes, but the fact that it is called a "no-win", pretty much limits the outcome to taking a bite out of a shit sandwich.

As far as I can recollect, there has been fewer presidents faced with more no-wins. From day one...

The Bailout

First, please do not forget the fact that it was written before the current President was in office. So...

Option 1 - Shoot it down.

  • Fragile economy just goes straight down the crapper. No swirl action. No, this would be like the toilet in the airplanes... No mistaking what just happened... 
  • Headlines read, "Obama Lets Hallowed Financial Institutions Fail!", "Obama Wrecks Global Economy!"

Option 2 - Vote for it.

  • You give rich assholes who, UNDER BUSH JR., tanked the economy, a free pass and basically, nobody goes to jail.
  • Headlines read, "Obama Bails Out Banks!", "Obama Gives YOUR Tax Money To Banks!"
In case you missed it, he went with Option 2. The main point to remember, he did not cause the problem. He was handed this Shit Smorgasbord and had to try and do what he could to fix it.


The people who do not like the President will tout the economy and jobs as his downfall. This is despite every indicator showing the economy is getting better. When confronted with those pesky facts, the person will say "Yeah... But.. It took soooo long..." 

Sure, when you have every member of the opposite party fucking over the American people in order to get one black guy out of a job, what would you expect? Seriously, McConnell stated, "Our number one priority is to ensure Obama is a one term President."

Forget governing. Forget the people. Forget upholding the Constitution... Noooo. "We lost and we are taking our ball and going home. *sniffle*"

I, and anyone with a brain, will always wonder... "Gee, if half of the stuff in the works could have gotten past these crusty, old, white fucks, how much better off would America be?". And yes, I would start off with the "Gee".

Auto Industry

Bailing out GM was AGAIN proposed under the Bush The II regime. Here is a great timeline of the events... Obama, when he got into office, was given the choice to supplement the preexisting loan...

Option 1 - Shoot it down.
  • GM... GONE! 
  • Headlines read, "Obama Lets Hallowed Auto Institutions Fail!", "Obama Wrecks GM  Economy!"

Option 2 - Vote for it.
  • You give rich assholes who, UNDER BUSH JR., tanked the industry, a free pass and basically, nobody goes to jail.
  • Headlines read, "Obama Bails Out GM!", "Obama Gives YOUR Tax Money To Detroit!"
Wait... I see a trend... And this one ended up not causing a problem. Score one for the Prez. Now, let's move on to something even more jacked up.


I have heard, or rather seen clips of Fox "News" people calling the Iraq War, "Obama's War". If you do not change the channel after hearing that, you are either a moron, sitting in your single wide, masturbating to Guns N Ammo, while sitting in a kiddie pool of jello and feces (you know... too keep cool and there is always room for J-E-L-L-O), or you are.... Nope... That is the only option

Not his war? He actually is one of the few who can say "I ALWAYS thought it was a shitty idea." So, he was faced with pulling out troops, or sticking it out. So...

Option 1 - Pull out.
  • Focus more on the real bad guys 
  • Maybe use some of the WASTED money on the flailing economy.
  • Could cause instability in the region and allow other factions to move in.*
  • Headlines read, "Obama Wants To Cut N Run!", "Obama Declares Mission Failed!"

Option 2 - Stay there.
  • It would make Dick Cheney happy... More dead GI's.
  • We would totally reap that oil! *cough*bullshit*cough*.
  • Is our military nation builders? World's policemen?
  • Headlines read, "Obama has No Exit Strategy!", "Obama Breaks Campaign Promise!"
He, went with option one this time. Granted, upon entering office, he was introduced to a new aspect of the security he made not have been aware of before becoming "Commander in Chief". So, he reassessed the situation. He talked with guys who wear stars on there shoulder pads... Made an INFORMED DECISION... Which I am sure shocked the public after having the retarded cowboy in office for 6 years (he checked out those last two and did fuck all).


This is the mother of all No-Win situations. It has been a problem since TRUMAN! That would be 1945 for the non-history buffs.

It is utterly and absolutely disgraceful, that the very elected officials who send men and women to war, not giving ONE FLYING FUCK about the cost or reasoning of the war... Will cite, with straight faces and conviction only found in serial killers and people used to being sodomized by pineapples, "economic principles" as the reason why they will vote down ANY AND ALL legislation designed to help veterans.

This could be the part where you say, "Both parties are at fault." True, but I refer to that clip above... The GOP will kill anything that would remotely make the President look good. Regardless of who they hurt. It is the antithesis of "Public Service".

The NSA can store and listen to every single thing said over the phone, read every email, snoop every text... But the VA scheduling software was last updated in 19-FUCKING-86????????


Yeah... This sucks. Again... No-Win scenario. Do we go back in? Do we drone them death (pun intended)? This last week, ISIS beheaded another journalist. The tragedy being multiplied because he sympathized with the Middle East being influenced by Western regimes. This shows the epitome of "There is no negotiating with extremists."

Yet, people (I refuse to call them "journalists") on the aforementioned Vomitorium, Fox "News" were spewing "Why haven't we declared war???", one "communtator", Kimberly Guilfoyle (remove the "omm" and the "ator") let this little shit nugget escape from her mouth-anus, 
“Can I just make a special request in the magic lamp? Can we get like Netanyahu, or like Putin in for 48 hours, you know, head of the United States?”
Putin... The guy under sanctions for invading other countries... The guy who does not care, and helps cover up, that his peeps shot down a CIVILIAN air liner... "STFU" does not cover it for that propaganda station.

If he does anything in response to the beheading videos, proponents will say "He was goaded!!! He is taking it personally!!!" and if he does nothing, "He is letting people die!!!". 

Drone the shit out them. The fewer boots on the ground, the better. And for fuck's sake... Let's stop looking to the people who got us into the mess in the first place for advice... 

Cheney's "Exit Strategy" for Iraq was "There is NO Exit Strategy". How many years did he serve in the military again??? Oh, that's right. FUCKING ZERO. He deferred FIVE times from Vietnam. Hey, Dick... how much do you love your country again?


Along the same lines... If he were to restrict the American doctor's from returning to U.S. soil, "Obama is denying AMERICAN CITIZENS access to the best care!!!!". And by allowing them into the U.S., under the supervision of the CDC, "He is risking all AMERICAN CITIZENS!!!!". The guy can not win...


The quagmires of all quagmires. There is no-win here. As far as I am concerned, unless you can state your name, followed by your TRIBE, you are no expert on immigration but you ARE AN IMMIGRANT. Regardless of party or where you fall politically, there is NO easy answer to this one. For every factoid, there is a rebuttal. For every proposal, there is an easily found dissenting opinion.

Gov. Rick Perry (and the joy I feel about adding an "ex" to that title is immeasurable) believes Obama is to blame for the "Surge" and if he does not do what Rick Perry thinks is best he is either 1) inept 2) Does not care or... Oops.

Lawsuit over abuse of Executive Action

Lastly, the Orange Man, Boehner, filed a lawsuit against the President because he was abusing his "Executive Action" and bypassing Congress. Let us not forget that this is the Congress that is the LEAST. PRODUCTIVE. EVER.

Oh... because charts are pretty...

Then, in the SAME WEEK, the people who wanted to sue the President over his using executive actions, URGED the President to USE EXECUTIVE ACTIONS to help with the border crisis in Texas.

Next time you want to rush to judgment... Stop. Think. Then do the opposite of what "Fox "News" thinks and you will be doing a-ok. The thing to remember in no-win situations, is this:

Someone is serving you the options. Someone is waiting in the wings with that shit sandwich that I mentioned in the 2nd paragraph. IF that is all they have to offer, you should find a new place to consume.

Good night, and good luck and turn the damn channel...


This blog brought to you by the Mighty Metallica, Smokin' Steve Vai, Monstrous Marilyn Manson, the Terrific Tenacious D, the movie trailer kings - Drowning Pool, the Latino Los Lonely Boys, the ever so nihilistic Nirvana, the heavy duty Tool, the Awesome Alice in Chains, the colorful Cake, the angst ridden Anthrax,  the anti-antidote Poison,  the Stupefying Stooges, the Enigmatic Eminem, and the Shaking Stray Cats!