Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Source of My Discourse

With the brand spanking newness of 2017 comes the urge to make resolutions. I have a few in mind, but only one word keeps flashing in my mind like a giant, Las Vegas style, neon sign...


Me being the curious type, I am trying to quantify the word. Am I trying resist the urge to slap stupid people? Am I to resist the upcoming administration's plans to overthrow  govern this country? Am I supposed to resist temptations placed before me? Sali's Pizza... I am looking at you...

If I had to pick one, I would go with the second option. The third option is unattainable. Soooo good.

So, if I am to resist, what is the best way to do so? Not watch the inauguration? That won't be too difficult. Not like any real entertainers are showing up!

Here is why that would not do any good... First, the people who love the TV Show Host Elect will be watching in droves. Second, the people who hate the TV Show Host Elect will be watching in droves. Either way, he wins. He thrives off of both love and hate. The only thing he can't stand is being ignored. Now, we will have no choice.

All I have is my blog here, and my voice in my sphere of influence. I will use it as I see fit. Now, every voice needs a muse, an inspiration. Like the title states... I need a source for my discourse. Sadly, as a far, far better writer than I once quipped, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you're misinformed." Well, not much has changed since Mark Twain threw that little nugget out there.

HOWEVER, if you DO find yourself like minded in your urge to NOT "Just accept it"... I offer the following sources in which to fuel your engines of unruliness.

Samantha Bee - Hey... It's a lady! "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee" showed up in February, 2016 and promptly kicked everyone in the bathing suit area. She was the first late night host without a penis, so she decided to double down in the balls department. The title alone is hilarious in that it teases sexuality, but has zero to do with nudity. No, it is a full frontal assault on bullshit.

Mrs. B gained attention, and cut her teeth under Jon Stewart's reign on the "The Daily Show". She took the same format and brought her own "tenacity" to the mix. In her segments, when interviewing people, she was masterful at letting the audience know exactly what the interviewee was shoveling her way smelled like...

"Friend" her show on Facebook. The day after the show airs, she puts up the segments on her feed.

Her show is usually on once a week. That is a major "Con", but can also added to the long list of "Pros". They have time to polish the bits... They have time to do this thing called "Fact Checking". The major networks may wanna look into that.

John Oliver - The Brit. Like all subjects of the Crown, his delivery is poised and sounds dignified... Until it doesn't! He will straight up lose his shit when needed... and to great comedic effect. He and his staff have already won two Emmys. The ones routinely split between Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert for the past forever. (Both of  whom Oliver worked with...)

With "Last Week Tonight" only being on once a week, and on HBO, it is masterfully presented and the preparation is felt through the screen. When he talks about the hours of research he and his staff have done on a topic, you are left with little doubt that they busted their asses.

The major downside to his show is that once they pick a topic... That is it... Anything you could say about said topic will look like the ramblings of the village dullard compared to the surgically precise delivery witnessed on that program. I have had to scrap more than one blog idea because I knew Oliver and Co. had covered it already to perfection.

I will lose a good chunk of time going to, searching on "Last Week Tonight", clicking the first result, and letting it play... and play... and play.

Devastating. Brutal. Scathing. Scorched. Those are words I have used in describing the recipients of that show's attention. That show definitely makes me want to up my game. I also love that show for their allowed usage of "fuck". It's like a warm comfortable blanket of swearing... *snuggles*

Trevor Noah - In his last broadcast on "The Daily Show", Jon Stewart told his viewers, "The best defense against bullshit is vigilance. If you smell something, say something." A young African gent took up the reins and has been charging full speed in his olfactory guardianship.

Trevor Noah and "The Best Fucking News Team" have been continuing the good fight. In the midst of the buffoonery and jokes, they lay down some hard, hard truths. They point out glaring hypocrisies by all sides of the aisle, without favor.

It is not their fault that Republicans are habitually two faced and lie constantly.

Trevor is a damn fine interviewer. I appreciated him having Tomi Lahren on. He has completely differing views than the spoiled, little, white girl from Dallas who thinks her shit doesn't stink. His interview was cordial, yet probing and unapologetic in it's tone.

He also was a trooper and was back on the air ONE DAY after his appendix burst.

The team puts on four shows a week and not all of the bits are winners. They just can't be. I still get more information and perspective from a failed bit on that show than I do from an hour of cable news. At least on "The Daily Show" the skepticism normally generated from the "news" is offset by humor.

New, full episodes are available on, usually the day after airing. Ads are a small price to pay!

VICE News - This is the one devoid of humor. There is rarely mirth emitting from these stories. If the others are a commentary with a humorous wrapping to make it easier to swallow, this is the jagged pill.

It is not supposed to be easy to swallow. You should come away wanting to smash the system. You should come away wondering how things got this jacked.

It is on HBO... So access is not available to everybody.OH WAIT! Just go to and type "VICE News" in the search bar... Lo and behold... REEEEE-ZULTS!

Here is why 50% of my choices are from HBO... They answer to NO ONE. They have no commercial aspect. They already got PAID!!! Censors? Um... They can go blow a goat. Corporate sponsors? WHAT SPONSORS???

News channels have people to answer to. They have sponsors. If NBC has a commercial in the second block of programming of the nightly news for... I dunno... a new drug called "assholinall", and it is suddenly found to cause explosive diarrhea in cats who get sneezed on by the person taking it...

THEY ARE GOING TO BURY THAT STORY! VICE News would crawl up the pharmaceutical companies ass with a flashlight. One of those old ones... That get really hot...

They also have a world perspective that is refreshing. Been in Syria? Yup. Been in NORTH KOREA??? Yup. They are not afraid. They report NEWS. Not some fluff piece about a water skiing squirrel. Not some human interest story about kids who help little old ladies learn about smoking crack...

All of these shows are thumbing their nose at the mired in mediocrity that is the "Mainstream Media". They are not abiding by the playbook, but are true to the one true creed of journalism.

I will save you a click and state the most important one...
"I believe that the public journal is a public trust; that all connected with it are, to the full measure of their responsibility, trustees for the public; that acceptance of a lesser service than the public service is betrayal of this trust."
I find the group above m to be the last bastions of sanity in the 24 hour News Cycle... Because they don't play by the rules. Three out of four make ya laugh while making just a little bit smarter.

In this new age where facts do not matter, logic has gone "buh-bye", and justice is a "conceptual matter", laughter is going to be the best way to "Deal With It!", as we are told to do so by people who voted for a TV Show Host.

We cannot afford to be neutral on a moving train,


This blog brought to you by Eric Cartman ("Come Sail Away"... classic), Led Zeppelin, Eminem, Bush, The Hollies, N.W.A,, System Of A Down*, Iggy & The Stooges, The Cramps, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Daft Punk, The Black Crowes, The Winery Dogs, Ozzy Osbourne, Bob Marley & The Wailers, Meredith Brooks, Journey, Foo fighters, and Eric Burden & WAR.

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