Sunday, September 25, 2016

"We Have To Make These."

The title is reference to a fuzzy afternoon in Augusta, KS. in May of 1987, on Custer Lane, in [Name Redacted]'s barn. A group of young people, were stoned to the beejuzus, laughing to tears at his blind cat ("Meow?" - Yes, you could hear the question mark.). We had just discovered a box of microwaveable pancakes.

Marijuana. Cannabis. Weed. Dope... and myriad monikers that would only show whenabouts I stopped keeping track of that shit.

The first question is... How in the name of fuck is this stuff not legal??? I mean just look to the disasters in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington - STATE AND D.C..... Wait... What? They are doing fan-bloody-tastic after legalizing??? Hmmmmmmm.

The biggest argument by stupid people, who only believe what authority figures planted in their heads when they were younger, is that marijuana is a "Gateway Drug".

I will go so far as to cede that by smoking weed, you are probably more likely to come into contact with people who also procure and distribute other illegal substances. That is about it. If your kid is going to do "Drug Next Step", it is because a friend had some, knew your kid had some money, offered them some in order to get them hooked, so they will spend money on "Drug Next Step" and share with them.

The case for marijuana being a gateway drug is the same as when politicians tried to stop equal rights by asking what was after legalizing same sex marriage. "If we allow that... what's next? Will we allow people to marry their pets?" Same sex marriage was a "Gateway Marriage".

The first recorded usage of cannabis was by the Synthians in 440 BC. They would use it in their baths, like a sauna... The ORIGINAL Hot Boxers*!

The word canvas... derived from cannabis. The sails on all the ships that brought everyone's ancestors to America? Yup... Hemp.

Hemp was huge... and was going to get even more prolific. Then came the war between agriculture and industry... And if memory serves, we don't learn about he "Agricultural Revolution" in school.

Easiest way to win a war? Outlaw the thing you are warring against. Just make it illegal. Spend money making propaganda films. Films that portray anyone who uses the stuff as a deviant, perverted sort who wants to barbecue babies because they are stoned!

I have known some pretty stoned individuals, and not once was BBQ'd infant discussed. BBQ Pringles however? Devoured in droves.

All that manipulation and distortion of the facts led to the War on Drugs. Nancy Reagan telling everyone to "Just Say No." Which led Ronald Reagan to question, "To What? Who are you? What is my name?" (Too soon?)

Granted, at the time (the early and mid 80's), c0ocaine was rampant. Mostly on Wall Street... and Motley Crue. Of course, the feds, in their infinite wisdom, decided to war against ALL drugs. *Spoiler Alert* The U.S. lost this war. In fact... Many people believe that the CIA was responsible for flooding inner city neighborhoods with crack cocaine... So...

By focusing on, and apparently supporting, the supply, they did absolutely fuck all to squash the demand side of the equation.

"Gee, we have done nothing to improve living conditions, bolster employment opportunities, lessen the rising cost of living... Why would all these people look to something to make life a little more pleasurable without breaking the bank, with no real addictive side effects??? WHY????"

Incarceration rates for non violent offenses skyrocketed, which made the true deviants come up with the Prisons For Profit scheme.

Also, if you could make it a felony, and target minorities... They can't vote! Double points!

The enemy for the legalization of cannabis these days is a two headed snake of the Federal Government and Big Pharma.

The government, namely the Republicans, will not legalize it because then the prison profits will go to shit... More minorities will retain the right to vote... Can't have that!

Here is one good thing about the government speed bump... The "50's guy" Politician... Those who grew up in "Leave It To Beaver" land... They are a dying breed. There will be changes when people who grew up a little later get elected. I say that with hope... but not certainty.

Big Pharma does NOT want weed to become legal. It would cut into their BILLIONS of dollars of yearly profits... and sweet Jeebus... How can you ask them to only get by on a couple of BILLION dollars less??? You selfish prick!

In August, the DEA denied the reclassification of Cannabis. It remains a Schedule I drug. Schedule I drugs have NO MEDICAL USE and high potential for abuse.

Mmmkay, Pum'kin... Let's play that lame ass card... Considering that Ritalin, Adderall, OXY-FUCKING-CODONE , and Fentanyl (the one that killed Prince) are Schedule II... Those are primarily manufactured by six pharmaceutical companies, whose net worth is in the trillions.

How much does the DEA cost these days? Do you have to buy just the director? Couple of politicians to boot? Do you get a discount if you buy in bulk? When elections come up, do you compare prices? Whoever comes in with the lowest bribe amount, do you contribute to their campaign?

The benefits of hemp... WAAAAAAAY too many to list here. Seriously, Google that shit. More specifically... Google "Benefits of industrial hemp". There are literally millions of hits off that search. In two seconds, I learned that in 1938, Popular Mechanics magazine called hemp, "The Billion Dollar Crop."

Which made the other robber barons of the time clench their collective sphincters... Hence the propaganda... and inevitable, unwinnable war.

Second huge benefit of marijuana use... All the really good music.,. Thanks, Drugs!

The last time I was stoned, was 1993. I remember it fondly. I remember the smallest details of that night. I remember laughing to the point of tears... It was a good night... The last song that I smoked to was Pink Floyd's "Run Like Hell". 

I have a lot of friends who partake. I am jealous as hell. They are completely functioning humans who get to enjoy the extra benefits of mother nature... Although, while usually running a little late because they forgot something... They tend not to "rush"... And I think they are a lot happier for that fact. 

I miss it. It is about 5:20 PM. In about 90 minutes, I will pour myself a Lemmy (Jack & Coke, renamed in his honor). I will have more than one, less than five. I will be in a state of inebriation that is perfectly legal. Also, I will be taxing my liver, kidneys, and heart. Cokes are not healthy for you. Jack, while being my hetero life mate, is not the healthiest for you either.

If given the option, I would get high. I would reach a nice calm, tranquil state of mind. I would sleep better. I would not be in any way hungover in the morning. I would have not felt the need to make any rash decisions. I might crave some Doritos... watch "30 Rock"... Listen to some vinyl... Just chill.

Rainy Day Woman 12 & 35,

This blog brought to you by Wolfmother, Tesla, Jimi Hendrix Experience, Daft Punk, The Doobie Brothers (It's in their damn name! C'MON!), Deftones, Slipknot, Iggy & The Stooges, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Stone Temple Pilots, Nirvana, David Bowie, Tool, Anthrax, The Blues Brothers, The Kinks, Prince & The Revolution, Lords of Acid, Metallica, and Pink Floyd.

* - Hot Boxing is smoking a shit tonne of weed in an enclosed area... Think Spicoli's van, in "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" and they open the doors and a massive cloud billows forth...

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