Monday, September 5, 2016

To Cap Again

This is not a lengthy blog... I was actually going to skip this week, being a holiday and all...

But here's a quick recap (now re-read the title)... of things...

Colin Kapernick can do whatever the fuck he wants. My only piece of advice would be "Don't lose."

Trump has never stopped being a piece of shit. Our fairly elected President said it best, "I know plenty of business men and women who've achieved success without leaving a trail of lawsuits, and unpaid workers, and people feeling like they got cheated... Does anyone really believe that a guy who's spent his 70 years on this Earth showing no regard for working people is suddenly going to be your champion?"

Going to miss that guy!

I tried to go see "Blazing Saddles" on Saturday night. Got to the AMC Mesquite 30 for the 7:30 showing. The show was sold out. I was not even upset. I was glad to know Gene Wilder was still putting asses in seats.

Being "clipped in" to the bicycle pedals is neat. Remembering to "clip out" to avoid road rashing your leg to a bloody mess would be even neater! Ow. Very Ow. For the record, I did make it 10.94 out of 10.94 miles before massacring my leg!

I got an Xbox One last week. Probably the overriding reason why I think this week's entry was slightly postponed. I got to run around as Darth Vader and force choke bitches! "I find your lack of faith disturbing... and yours... and you... over there... yup... Disturbing!"

A huge milestone is happening on the 6th. A FOUR YEAR long black cloud is going to come to a head or dissipate altogether... Just good to see some action taking place with it.

This Wednesday, Sept. 7th, I will be catching the mighty Black Sabbath in their "final" tour. I got the tickets last year. Ozzy just needs to make it less than 70 hours... C'mon!!!

Lily, the damn dog, is good... Still loves my pancakes.

Folks are good... Mom is glad I got an XBox... figures I will now get a girlfriend who won't want me to play it... but I had to have it so I could get a girlfriend who.... See?

Anyways... I promise next weeks blog will be the normal bluster with catchy title, and sign off line will be a song lyric.

Looking for the answer in her eyes,


Eddie (Ex Delivery Man), The Stooges, Toadies, Wolfmother, 10CC, and Foo Fighters (DeadMau5 mix!)


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