Sunday, October 2, 2016

Not Tall & Not Sour

Not in a long diatribe mood... So... Think of this as my gift to you... I give you TIME! You don't have to mire yourself in my weird, prolonged mind vomiting.

First... Clinton won the debate. Granted, when going a petulant little shit like King Oompa Loompa, she would basically have to piss herself, while picking her nose, and singing "Walking My Cat Named Dog" by Norma Tanega to lose it.

Also... President Obama was right to veto the "JASTA" or "9/11" Bill. It serves no purpose but to weaken our standing with already tenuous allies in that region. It puts our supposedly beloved by everyone troops at more risk. The Senate overrode the veto... and the NEXT DAY was in "Oh shit!" mode.

"Luke Cage" on Netflix is the primary reason for the shortened time allotted for blogging... Really well done. ALL of Marvel's Netflix presence is really, really well done.

Lastly... I would just like to proclaim that "boneless chicken wings" are FUCKING CHICKEN NUGGETS pre-jizzed on. Gussy it up however ya want... it ain't anything new.

See... All that time saved. I am still of the mindset that 90% of the news in 2016 has been shitty. I hope that last little nugget (SEE WHAT I DID THERE???) put a smile on your face... if not....

I can only tell you that election coverage is only going to last 36 more days...  But then, we will (hopefully) only have to hear about how it was rigged and she cheated.

Hug the kids and spank the wife,


This blog brought to you by Cake, Kool & The Gang, The Statler Brothers, Devo, Beck, and Anthrax!

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