Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Abundance of Lose.

A wise man once said, "Damned if you do, damned if you don't". That man was probably faced with something like "Do I go to the orgy first or the Vomitorium first?" Oh, those silly Greeks!

In order to understand the nature of the no-win situation, one must first accept that there are two sides to the situation at hand. This is vital. Crucial. The can also be two outcomes, but the fact that it is called a "no-win", pretty much limits the outcome to taking a bite out of a shit sandwich.

As far as I can recollect, there has been fewer presidents faced with more no-wins. From day one...

The Bailout

First, please do not forget the fact that it was written before the current President was in office. So...

Option 1 - Shoot it down.

  • Fragile economy just goes straight down the crapper. No swirl action. No, this would be like the toilet in the airplanes... No mistaking what just happened... 
  • Headlines read, "Obama Lets Hallowed Financial Institutions Fail!", "Obama Wrecks Global Economy!"

Option 2 - Vote for it.

  • You give rich assholes who, UNDER BUSH JR., tanked the economy, a free pass and basically, nobody goes to jail.
  • Headlines read, "Obama Bails Out Banks!", "Obama Gives YOUR Tax Money To Banks!"
In case you missed it, he went with Option 2. The main point to remember, he did not cause the problem. He was handed this Shit Smorgasbord and had to try and do what he could to fix it.


The people who do not like the President will tout the economy and jobs as his downfall. This is despite every indicator showing the economy is getting better. When confronted with those pesky facts, the person will say "Yeah... But.. It took soooo long..." 

Sure, when you have every member of the opposite party fucking over the American people in order to get one black guy out of a job, what would you expect? Seriously, McConnell stated, "Our number one priority is to ensure Obama is a one term President."

Forget governing. Forget the people. Forget upholding the Constitution... Noooo. "We lost and we are taking our ball and going home. *sniffle*"

I, and anyone with a brain, will always wonder... "Gee, if half of the stuff in the works could have gotten past these crusty, old, white fucks, how much better off would America be?". And yes, I would start off with the "Gee".

Auto Industry

Bailing out GM was AGAIN proposed under the Bush The II regime. Here is a great timeline of the events... Obama, when he got into office, was given the choice to supplement the preexisting loan...

Option 1 - Shoot it down.
  • GM... GONE! 
  • Headlines read, "Obama Lets Hallowed Auto Institutions Fail!", "Obama Wrecks GM  Economy!"

Option 2 - Vote for it.
  • You give rich assholes who, UNDER BUSH JR., tanked the industry, a free pass and basically, nobody goes to jail.
  • Headlines read, "Obama Bails Out GM!", "Obama Gives YOUR Tax Money To Detroit!"
Wait... I see a trend... And this one ended up not causing a problem. Score one for the Prez. Now, let's move on to something even more jacked up.


I have heard, or rather seen clips of Fox "News" people calling the Iraq War, "Obama's War". If you do not change the channel after hearing that, you are either a moron, sitting in your single wide, masturbating to Guns N Ammo, while sitting in a kiddie pool of jello and feces (you know... too keep cool and there is always room for J-E-L-L-O), or you are.... Nope... That is the only option

Not his war? He actually is one of the few who can say "I ALWAYS thought it was a shitty idea." So, he was faced with pulling out troops, or sticking it out. So...

Option 1 - Pull out.
  • Focus more on the real bad guys 
  • Maybe use some of the WASTED money on the flailing economy.
  • Could cause instability in the region and allow other factions to move in.*
  • Headlines read, "Obama Wants To Cut N Run!", "Obama Declares Mission Failed!"

Option 2 - Stay there.
  • It would make Dick Cheney happy... More dead GI's.
  • We would totally reap that oil! *cough*bullshit*cough*.
  • Is our military nation builders? World's policemen?
  • Headlines read, "Obama has No Exit Strategy!", "Obama Breaks Campaign Promise!"
He, went with option one this time. Granted, upon entering office, he was introduced to a new aspect of the security he made not have been aware of before becoming "Commander in Chief". So, he reassessed the situation. He talked with guys who wear stars on there shoulder pads... Made an INFORMED DECISION... Which I am sure shocked the public after having the retarded cowboy in office for 6 years (he checked out those last two and did fuck all).


This is the mother of all No-Win situations. It has been a problem since TRUMAN! That would be 1945 for the non-history buffs.

It is utterly and absolutely disgraceful, that the very elected officials who send men and women to war, not giving ONE FLYING FUCK about the cost or reasoning of the war... Will cite, with straight faces and conviction only found in serial killers and people used to being sodomized by pineapples, "economic principles" as the reason why they will vote down ANY AND ALL legislation designed to help veterans.

This could be the part where you say, "Both parties are at fault." True, but I refer to that clip above... The GOP will kill anything that would remotely make the President look good. Regardless of who they hurt. It is the antithesis of "Public Service".

The NSA can store and listen to every single thing said over the phone, read every email, snoop every text... But the VA scheduling software was last updated in 19-FUCKING-86????????


Yeah... This sucks. Again... No-Win scenario. Do we go back in? Do we drone them death (pun intended)? This last week, ISIS beheaded another journalist. The tragedy being multiplied because he sympathized with the Middle East being influenced by Western regimes. This shows the epitome of "There is no negotiating with extremists."

Yet, people (I refuse to call them "journalists") on the aforementioned Vomitorium, Fox "News" were spewing "Why haven't we declared war???", one "communtator", Kimberly Guilfoyle (remove the "omm" and the "ator") let this little shit nugget escape from her mouth-anus, 
“Can I just make a special request in the magic lamp? Can we get like Netanyahu, or like Putin in for 48 hours, you know, head of the United States?”
Putin... The guy under sanctions for invading other countries... The guy who does not care, and helps cover up, that his peeps shot down a CIVILIAN air liner... "STFU" does not cover it for that propaganda station.

If he does anything in response to the beheading videos, proponents will say "He was goaded!!! He is taking it personally!!!" and if he does nothing, "He is letting people die!!!". 

Drone the shit out them. The fewer boots on the ground, the better. And for fuck's sake... Let's stop looking to the people who got us into the mess in the first place for advice... 

Cheney's "Exit Strategy" for Iraq was "There is NO Exit Strategy". How many years did he serve in the military again??? Oh, that's right. FUCKING ZERO. He deferred FIVE times from Vietnam. Hey, Dick... how much do you love your country again?


Along the same lines... If he were to restrict the American doctor's from returning to U.S. soil, "Obama is denying AMERICAN CITIZENS access to the best care!!!!". And by allowing them into the U.S., under the supervision of the CDC, "He is risking all AMERICAN CITIZENS!!!!". The guy can not win...


The quagmires of all quagmires. There is no-win here. As far as I am concerned, unless you can state your name, followed by your TRIBE, you are no expert on immigration but you ARE AN IMMIGRANT. Regardless of party or where you fall politically, there is NO easy answer to this one. For every factoid, there is a rebuttal. For every proposal, there is an easily found dissenting opinion.

Gov. Rick Perry (and the joy I feel about adding an "ex" to that title is immeasurable) believes Obama is to blame for the "Surge" and if he does not do what Rick Perry thinks is best he is either 1) inept 2) Does not care or... Oops.

Lawsuit over abuse of Executive Action

Lastly, the Orange Man, Boehner, filed a lawsuit against the President because he was abusing his "Executive Action" and bypassing Congress. Let us not forget that this is the Congress that is the LEAST. PRODUCTIVE. EVER.

Oh... because charts are pretty...

Then, in the SAME WEEK, the people who wanted to sue the President over his using executive actions, URGED the President to USE EXECUTIVE ACTIONS to help with the border crisis in Texas.

Next time you want to rush to judgment... Stop. Think. Then do the opposite of what "Fox "News" thinks and you will be doing a-ok. The thing to remember in no-win situations, is this:

Someone is serving you the options. Someone is waiting in the wings with that shit sandwich that I mentioned in the 2nd paragraph. IF that is all they have to offer, you should find a new place to consume.

Good night, and good luck and turn the damn channel...


This blog brought to you by the Mighty Metallica, Smokin' Steve Vai, Monstrous Marilyn Manson, the Terrific Tenacious D, the movie trailer kings - Drowning Pool, the Latino Los Lonely Boys, the ever so nihilistic Nirvana, the heavy duty Tool, the Awesome Alice in Chains, the colorful Cake, the angst ridden Anthrax,  the anti-antidote Poison,  the Stupefying Stooges, the Enigmatic Eminem, and the Shaking Stray Cats!

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