Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Answer Is...

A friend of mine did this on Facebook. Forty three questions... I am forty three years old... COINCIDENCE??? I think not.
After going on a couple of dates recently, I jokingly remarked to the Boss, it was like going on job interviews. 
I also have never shied away from answering any question posed to me, quite the opposite. I enjoy answering questions... In the Facebook version of this, I would give simple, sometimes one word answers, but here... I may get more verbose.
1. Do you like blue cheese? Depends on the recipe. Would I like it on a light salad, sure. Would I like blue cheese in my chocolate chip cookies? Methinks not.
2. Have you ever smoked? I have. I smoked from the age of 15 until July 7th, I wanna say 2006. Holy shit... That was 10 years... 10!... (And yes, I said that just like Piven in "Gross Pointe Blank"). I smoked my fair share of weed back in the day... the last time being September of 1992. 
3. Do you own a gun? No. I have and have zero issue owning another. I am not a fan of guns, but I also believe in the statement, "'Gun control' means hitting your target." 
I am a fan of Glocks, due to there ambidextrous styling. Lefty politically and handed. Also, if I am going to own a gun, it will be a .45. I am not messing around. IF I have to shoot someone, they are not going to get back up.
4. What is your favorite flavor? The blood of my enemies? In terms of ice cream, I have digging the holy hell out of this "Bourbon Butter Pecan". I also will only drink coffee if there is Irish Creme present... I guess that counts as a flavor...
5. Do you get nervous before Doctor visits? The nurse always trips at my blood pressure before and after needles are involved... Before a shot or blood is drawn, they tell me to calm down, as soon as that unpleasantness is over, I tell her to take another reading... and it has lowered enough to make her say "Damn!".
If go to the Dr., chances are I am pretty sure I know why I am there... So, "Stress" may not be the right word.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I have never been attracted to the canine species, although, I can say that certain dogs look more well groomed and thereby could be considered "more appealing" than a mangy mutt...

I do not crave cylindrical meat mush enough to warrant buying a pack of hot dogs, buns, condiments and the like. If I were at a cookout or something... I am not above having one. 
7. Favorite Movie? Too broad... You would have to come more specific... Last movie bought: "Get Him To The Greek" on blu-ray. Last movie seen in theaters: "Captain America: Civil War". 
Last movie seen that I really, really liked and would suggest you ALL check out, "Everybody Wants Some". It was like a spiritual sequel "Dazed and Confused".
"The Princess Bride", "The Matrix", "Deadpool", "The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly", ":Enter the Dragon"... All contenders.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? The blood of my enemies? I would prefer a nice glass of mead, but people would think there is a "problem". I don't do coffee or tea... If I worked out with weights the night before, I start the day with a protein shake. This "Banana Cream" flavor I have now is pretty damn tasty.
9. Do you do push ups? Weirdly, no... Have not even attempted one in about a year... As soon as I am done with this here blog, I am going to go to the gym and destroy my upper body with weights... So...
10. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? I have a ring that was a pawn in one of my more clever ruses to garner the affections of a lovely lady. I wanted a reason to see her again, so I deftly planted the ring in her purse. 
I got a text the next morning... And yes, I saw her again. 
11. Favorite hobby? Is bike riding a hobby? I have just recently gathered supplies to start crafting things out of EVA form... So, we will see how that goes... Pics will show up I am sure.
Oh... Does this "writing a blog" count? If so... Writing a blog.
12. Do you have A.D.D.? No. However, I DO have a low tolerance for "Wasting My Time on Inconsequential Bullshit". This is why I do not get invited to a lot of meetings.
13. What’s the one thing you dislike about yourself? Just one thing??? I wish I could just let go and not be in control. I have been pleaded by friends, "Let loose, man!", and I just can't.
If you see me at a social setting and something is said, or something happens, and I am quiet... Just know, 32,690 things were said in my head... I did not vocalize them, and that is usually why I still have friends.
14. What is your middle name? My middle name is Aaron. It was either after the brother of Moses, who did all the speaking for Moses... Or Elvis... Not sure...
15. Name 3 thoughts at this moment? "I am only on question fucking 15?". "Will she read this?", "If I feed Lily at 3:30, head to gym right after, then finish this blog or just jump into a chat room and play some tunes or power through and finish blog, feed Lil when she asks for food, THEN go to gym - either way, what is for dinner?"
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Mead, Jack N Cokes, and I have been destroying water lately. The blog is powered by Pure Leaf Unsweetened Black Tea.
17. Current worry? "President Donald Trump". Fuck that fucking fuck. I could seriously devote much more time to that nightmare... but shall refrain.
18. Current annoyance right now? Hearing about Pokemon Go. and #17. 
19. Favorite place to be? Depends on the time of day... at 9:30 or so, at night, BED! From about 7:00 in the morning, to about 3:30, Monday through Friday, anywhere but work. 
20. How do you ring in the new year? I went to a New Year's Eve Party... I left about quarter til Midnight. There was a cougar eyeballing me like I was a wounded gazelle. 
The next morning, I woke up... Said, "Well, hell. it's 2016, it's going to be a great year!" Yeah... That worked out.
21. Where would you like to go? I have been wanting to go to New Zealand for at least five years now. I have the time saved up. I will have the savings to do so next year. So... Who knows???
22. Name three people who will complete this??? I do not like to name names. Snitches get stitches, man! As I said, this was stolen from Facebook. Meant to be copied and pasted. 
23. Do you own slippers? No. If I am home, there is a 80% chance that I am barefoot. If I am going to work, I have my low cut black shoes/boots hybrid. If I am going to the gym, I have some mid cut Nikes. If I am going to run errands, I have some black Vans I will slip on. If I am riding my bike, I have some new Pearl Izumi's I am dying to try out.
24. What color shirt are you wearing right now? Not. If I am not on cam, or not entertaining guests... I am pretty much anti-clothing. I also am a fan of doing ALL the laundry... so... Laundry days are quite... "Breezy". 
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No. I think X2 and I had some "Sateen" sheets. I always felt like I was just gonna slide out when I slid into bed.
And perish the thought if you have a hangnail or jagged finger or toenail... That shit will catch.
26. Can you whistle? Oh yeah. In my post high school years, I worked in a lumber yard. During the winters, it would get what people in the biz would call... "Slow". We would pick a "skill" that we would like to devote the time to learning... "Making liquids come out our nose.", "Card Tricks", "Forklift Drifting", and yes, "Whistling Loud Enough To Turn Heads 50 yards Away".
27. What are your favorite colors? Purple and black. Those are the colors I am usually sporting in my Ren Faire garb. The Catskill Mountain Mocassins I purchased are black buffalo hide, with a deep purple trim going along the welt. The 20 buttons are also a deep purple glass. I love them so.
28. Would you be a pirate? Oh yeah. Easily. I figure if #17 comes to pass... I will be forced to hoist the Jolly Rodger, and declare my outlaw nature, by 2018. I have the weaponry... And a leather hat with plummage... Purple feathers, Man!
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I can usually croon along with whatever the oldies station I turn on is playing. Now, cats fuck with more harmony than I can produce in my attempts to sing. However, I can "imitate" peeps sometimes.
*Editor's Note: Just returned from the gym... whew... Sweaty! Continue!*
30. Favorite girls name? Lily or Mom. See... This is an Ackbar Question... IT'S A TRAP. If you are betrothed to an "Eileen" or exclusive with a "Gretchen"... Well... Any other name is pretty much the equivalent of kicking yourself in the gonads.
31. Favorite boys name? If I were to have a male child... Damien? I dunno... I have never really given this any thought. When asked by the lesbians in Tacoma to father a child, one of the questions I had was if I could name the spawn... I was denied...
32. What’s in your pocket right now? My cell phone is in my right pocket of my gym shorts. Usually, in my left front pocket, if I am wearing jeans, I keep a small, foldable knife. Habit I picked up from the Dad. I went about 38 years never doing so, then I started and was amazed at how many times it came in handy.
33. Last person that made you laugh? David Cross. His special "Making America Great Again" was BRUTAL! Loved it. Filmed in Austin. I can not recommend it highly enough.
He gives a possible explanation as to why "God" allows all the little children to be killed by firearms... 
You won't like it.
34. Best toy as a child? Shit... I STILL buy toys. If I had to narrow it down, I would have to go with G.I. Joe's... They were much more poseable versus Star Wars figures. The one toy I wish I had kept was the 1981 Slave 1 from Star Wars... It is fetching a tidy sum on Ebay if in mint condition.
Legos and the like took a lot of time... And so did the Atari 2600... Then the Commodore 64... etc.
35. Worst injury you've ever had? I would have to say either the glass in my hand when I was 3-ish... or the glass in my ankle when I was 8 or 9-ish. Me and glass did NOT like each other.
I had a broken foot when I was 19ish. But that was no big whup. If you get run over, and are able to at least LIMP away... you are doing all right.
36. Where would you love to live? We will have to see how November goes. I did the "State of Living" blog a while back... If I could live ANYWHERE, it would probably be in a foreign land, on a beach, where I would be seen as a pale, god like figure by the natives... And worshiped as such... with good WiFi...
37. How many TV’s do you have? Two... 40" and 46". I have been looking at 4k UHD tv's... Kinda hoping the old 40" bites the dust... Oooh... Could blame it on the dog...
38. Who is your loudest friend? Lee Whiting could probably generate the most noise, being a damn fine percussionist. 
I have a friend who gets DAMN vocal if you bring up Monsanto or GMO's. Mon Cherie!
Most of my friends are like me... If you were to upset us or cross a line... They get scarily, eerily quiet.
39. How many dogs do you have? Lily. The Damn Dog. Whore.This weekend, she  cost me two hundred dollars... I love this dog, and I have the receipts to prove it.
She will be the last dog I am responsible for... I have a while before I have to face the inevitable day... But I just know it is going to fucking level me... And I don't want to feel that again.
40. Does someone love you? EVERYONE LOVES ME! Nuff said.
41. What book are you reading at the moment? "The Twelve" by Cronin. A sequel to "The Passage". It is about vampire apocalypse and what not. Cheery. I was about 300 pages in before I realized that I was not that in to it... But... I was over halfway... So... The "Completest" in me won't allow me to not finish.
I am sad that I have nothing else on deck after that... I will scour the best seller lists... see what is out there that I can pirate an .epub version of.
42. What’s your favorite candy? Probably Oreo's. Like the one meme said, "If someone tells you not to eat Oreo's, leave that person. You do not need that kind of negativity in your life."
And for the record... All these new "flavors" of Oreo's??? WTF, People? "Candy Corn" Oreo's? "Red Velvet" Oreo's? C'MON! "Double Stuff" is the best and only one needed...
43 Mayo or Miracle Whip? Miracle Whip. Must be a northern thing. We like things like "taste". Yes... The "tangy zip" may be caused by moose semen, but I like it. The tangy zip. Not moose semen. I clarify because I know some Canadian peeps... They may have access to that stuff... I do NOT know what they do with their spare time...
They milk trees for Pete's sake....

Well... There is a brief glimpse into the workings of my brain. Chaotic, Sporadic, Erratic. I liken it to a three ring circus, run by German Engineers. On acid.
Feel free to leave comments below, email me, hit me on FB, for future post topics.
And thanks to Urs for inadvertently providing this weeks content.
Making the donuts, 
This blog brought to you by Iggy & The Stooges, The Beatles, Audioslave, Sweet, Rob Zombie, Anthrax, Heart, Dethklok, Tenacious D, System Of A Down, Rodrigo Y Gabriela, Jimi Hendrix Experience, Marilyn Manson, Down, Ennio Morricone, The Animals, Randal & Dante, Bad Company,  Aerosmith, Sugar Ray & the Bluetones, Lynard Skynard, Faith No More, Steve Vai, AC/DC, Racer X, U2, Oasis, Guns N' Roses, Tommy James And the Shondells, and Alice Fuckin' Cooper!

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