Sunday, August 21, 2016

F x D/T

This Friday, I was confronted by a slight predicament. I was basically powerless. Meaning I lost electricity due to "Vegetation/Animal" (according to Oncor Electric) from 9 PM until almost 6 AM, Saturday morning.

It was shaky... But I made it... Your concern is appreciated... It sharply brought into focus how much reliance I have on the ol' grid. So, I started thinking about power.

The power TO <fill in the blank>. Whenever you say "I wish I could...", you are essentially saying, "I wish I had the POWER TO..."

I am like you in the fact that when people say, "Follow your dreams! I did and my life is fucking aces!", my hackles raise...

First, my dreams are insane. The world is better if I do NOT obtain them.

Second, there is the whole "Real Life" aspect to worry about. People ask me, "What would you do if you didn't have to worry about money???"

"I would drink and know things... and write."

"Why don't you???"

I want to punch them in the face and remark that, "I gots bills, Bitch. Thanks for reminding me that I have to go to work tomorrow. Would you like to stomp on my left testicle while you are at it?"

Lastly - The fear of success. There is always the twinge of, "Oh shit... It worked." I think I would be very apprehensive if someone were to make contact with me, based on this blog, and offer me money to write. Of course, it would help with the content aspect... "You cutting checks, whatcha wanna read about, Boss?"

I understand the point of what the "Follow your dreams" person is saying. If it is important enough, you will make the effort. You will make the sacrifices. You will work at it to get better. You will gain the POWER!

If you want the power to fly? Go take flying lessons. Or at least go up with a flight instructor in a Buddy Holly Death plane and find out if it is actually something you really wish to pursue. If you end up puking your guts out when you get barraged by wind currents and hit pockets of dead air, where you drop 2 or 3000 ft in a second...  Maybe it isn't for you.

In the geek community, there is always the debate of "What power do you wish you had?" There is no correct answer, and no incorrect answer. However, there is the mantra. The holy words that I guaran-damn-tee any geek would say AT LEAST ONCE if they were to ever manifest powers...

"With great power, must come great responsibility."

There is no phrase more appropriate to eliminate a certain political candidate. Seems like The Oompa Loompa in Chief just wants the power, not the job. Just sayin'.

A Facebook friend made a comment about Eleven, the heroine from this summer's huge surprise show, "Stranger Things". She was a pretty strong telekinetic (She moved shit with her mind - and yes, it makes me weep that I have to explain that). The side effect was a nose bleed and having to eat after using her powers, to recharge. The friend asked me if I would have fun with that kind of power.

"You might as well shove two tampons up my fucking nostrils and buy stock in Eggo's with all the abusing I'd get into."

On the flip side of the coin... One of the most uncomfortable feelings is that of being powerless.

The feeling that you are being manipulated, and forced to an action not of your choosing should be as comfortable as a rectal exam by an ill tempered polar bear.

Powerless... Ugh... Just typing it makes me angry.

Tomorrow, when a good portion of you are reading this at your job (Naughty! This is why I dig you!), you will read that word and equate it to your job. You will have the word "Stuck" meander through your mind. Trust me, I will be doing the same thing as I check the number of reads this post has gotten.

I am not pointing that out to make you even more hapless... I have a solution. It is so fucking win-win!

You DO have power. It is something native in all of us.

Step 1) If you are at work, do something nice for someone. If that is too much of a stretch, don't be a cunt, eh?

That is it. Ta frikkin' Da.

How about this then... If you have a significant other, text them out of the blue and tell them that you are happy they are in your life. Some positive affirmation shit or something...

SEE!!! YOU just did something nice. YOU put some positive energy in the Universe. YOU generated POWER! YOU might even have made someone ELSE feel pretty good... Empowering THEM!

That is about as Tony Robbin's as I can get...

Well... To counteract the touchy feel-y crap... 

Any power not derived from yourself an illusion. It belongs to those who you give it to.

Try to be more selective. Especially in November.

Seriously, power is a tool, use it wisely, it can be a benefit. Misuse it, and you are corrupted by it. This is why I do not crave "power". I just want it so my AC works on a Friday night.

Some like it hot, 


This blog brought to you by Foo Fighters, Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica, The Rolling Stones, Dead Or Alive, Tomahawk, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Anthrax, Soggy Bottom Boys, Aerosmith, Iron Maiden, Puddle of Mudd, The Who, Rush, Deep Dark Robot, Biohazard, and David Cassiidy (who think's he loves you.)

The title is Force multiplied by Distance, over time, which equals power.

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