Sunday, April 24, 2016

Knock Knock

There has been a lot of hullabaloo in the press over some "laws" concerning the "T" part of the LGBT community.

The push for these laws is coming from the non-left part of the two party system. I say "Non-Left" because they sure as fuck aren't right.

North Carolina was the one you heard probably heard about the most. What that state did is declare open season on anything the small minded governing officials find "unusual"... Any and all protections from discrimination a person not fitting into what they declare "normal", are gone.

It is also known as the "Bathroom Bill" because it says that you have to use the bathroom of the gender you were assigned on your birth certificate.

And we all know anything to do with birth certificates gives the Non-Left wingers a raging hard on...

Mississippi has even more draconian measures denying rights and services (adoption, rental space, employment) to people based on their gender identity not matching what THEY think it SHOULD be.

Those words were capitalized on purpose... Not a "Caps Lock" issue...

Kansas... Oh, poor, fucked up Kansas... There was talk floating around of them offering a "bounty" to anyone reporting on a transgender person using the facilities not of their "assigned" gender.

Kansas governor, one "Epic Fail" Brownback, has run the economy of Kansas into the ground (and then promptly mounted the corpse in sexual congress). Somehow he wants to fund this "Genital Militia"...

These are just examples of the discrimination the people who happen to not agree with what was assigned on their birth certificate.

Facebook is awash with memes about these cowardly acts of the "we don't understand - so let's hate whatever it is" types...

On the whole bathroom front... it is comedy and tragic at the same time... In my house, I have two bathrooms. I have had people over and no one, not ONCE, has asked me, "Which is the ladies?" or "Where is the men's room?"

"Now, Doug..." you say... "We are talking about public restrooms! What do you think some male going into the ladies bathroom is up to?????"

"Probably relieving their bladder. I double checked with Google... and sure enough, both males AND females have a bladder. If the bladder becomes even half full, it can cause discomfort."

"But what if my daughter is in their with me???"

"Keep them out of the persons fucking stall and I am pretty sure everything will be hunky dory. Oh, if your kid is opening closed stall doors, or crawling under them to get a peek as to what is going on... You have a fucking piece of shit kid and you should try this new thing called 'FUCKING PARENTING'"

And what happens when a normal lady... who just happens to have very masculine features and mannerisms gets accused of being a male transgender person, and then is unlawfully detained. What is her recompense? Personally, I think she sue the fuck out of the state. She should sue the fuck out of her accuser for defamation of character. I can probably think of a hungry lawyer or two who salivating to argue such a case...

I make jokes, and then there is a "cartoon" like this...

This advocates violence. This makes it seem like it is your duty... nay... your GAWD GIVEN RIGHT to inspect and frisk every person going in or out of a restroom... And by golly, if one of them thar deviants are found... Well, you are meriting out Gawd's Justice!!!!!

Never mind the fact you get to look up skirts all night... hoping for a dick? Little latent homosexuality manifesting itself? This is done all in the name of "protection"... Give me a fucking break.

A.W. Erwin... on behalf of all rational people, I would kindly invite you to get the fuck off my planet. I hope you assault the WRONG transgender person and they lay you the fuck out. THEN... when you are unconscious on the bathroom floor ("ewww" factor all it's own), they take the time to put makeup on you and fix your hair to be FAB-YOU-LUSSSSSSS! (yes, I snapped my fingers at each syllable!)

WHY, OH WHY do the mouth breathers with double digit IQ's believe that NOW, in 2016, they have to beware of the dreaded "Man who believes he is a woman" in their bathroom. Even worse, in the ladies restroom with their wives/daughters/relatives with vaginas????

And, why, oh why, does the party of "small government" want to waste taxpayer money to find out what kind of junk Androgynous Pat is sporting?

Glad you asked!

The overriding factor has to be fear... The people who are afraid simply can not grasp that some people feel in their very soul that the gender they were born with, was simply incorrect.

So... The scaredy-cats apply their OWN insecurities and perversions onto the transgender populace.

"They want to go into the opposite bathroom to stare at the opposite sex's genitalia!!!"

No... That is what YOUR first inclination to do is. Meaning if you could go into the opposite gender's restroom, that is what YOUR mission would be... You are projecting.

For the record... The female restroom must be something out of "Caligula" or something... Seriously... Are you ladies all running around naked in there? Airing out the nether region under the hand dryer? Are their pillow fights while topless??? Is THIS why you guys go in packs to the ladies room???

Only reason all these transgender men want to go in there!!! Only POSSIBLE explanation!

After the fear factor... it comes down to the biggest stupid factor of all... God.

I think the people of influence in the churches have a hard on for the transgender people because they have the gall to say, "God was wrong."

The powers that be in the religious community have to shut that shit down reeeeeal quick... Because if the sheep people can accept that... well... maybe... God was incorrect on this one thing then ma.... NOOOOOOO!!! God is infallible. God is all knowing and never wrong. God has a plan!!!!

Otherwise they would just be silly fuckers up there collecting 10% of your cash, and wasting up to 12.5% of your weekend... doing absolutely nothing, for no fucking reason whatsoever.

You don't really hear about the "Religious Left"... These "leaders" influence the legislators. I guess the separation of church and state is about as thin as a bathroom stall door.

This week's blog was originally be about Quantum Mechanics... Schrodinger's Cat and all that...

And I guess it can apply here as well... "Is the person in the stall next to me a man or a woman?"

Until you open the stall, the answer to that question is "Yes." Equally to both presented options.

If you are in the stall next to me, all I care about is if you follow the courtesy flush rule... About it.

I don't care if you have a vagina and a beard. I am not worried about your situation. Chances are, if I am in such need of a stall in a public restroom, things are dire enough and I have my own shit to deal with (pun intended).

If I am at the sink in the men's restroom, and a person who is obviously a woman comes up to the sink next to mine, I am not going to accost them. I am not going to call them out.

I am just going to be thankful they washed their fucking hands.

Cleanliness is next to something something...


This blog brought to you by John Cougar Mellencamp, The Police, Cake, Journey, Carly Simon, Metallica, Daft Punk, Aerosmith, Silverchair, Pink Floyd, Foo Fighters, Marilyn Manson, Maurice Williams, Down, Jay & Silent Bob, Alice In Chains, Def Leppard, and The Buggles.

1 comment:

  1. And, why, oh why, does the party of "small government" want to waste taxpayer money to find out what kind of junk Androgynous Pat is sporting?

    You forgot distraction...distract the masses with what's not important so they can slip something right under their noses. Wag The Dog.
