Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pledge of Allegiance

A friend, long ago, asked if the Pledge of Allegiance was "patriotism or indoctrination".

Allegiance IS indoctrination. Pledging allegiance is uber-indoctrination. You swallowed whatever they were selling hook, link, and sinker.

In basic training, the way they got us to remember stuff was to a) Scream at us, b) punish us for forgetting stuff (while screaming at us), and c) REPETITION.

Having the kiddies repeat this stuff over and over is nothing more than Brainwashing 101. Get 'em while they are young! Like Catholic Priests! Like Big Tobacco! I am unaware if they still make kids recite the pledge. I remember doing it, but don't remember when I stopped having to... Weird.

Frankie Bellamy wrote the thing in 1892. He was a socialist, by the way... Somewhere, someone should tell Sarah Palin this... Hopefully she will suffer excruciatingly painful spontaneous combustion, and then a F5 tornado scatters her ashes so she can not reincorporate into flesh. The original:

"I pledge allegiance to my flag and the Republic for which it stands. One nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In 1923, it was altered.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Fucking immigrants! Seriously... they wanted everyone to make sure they knew which flag. One year later...

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Because there was worry of what? Not knowing which United States you were pledging to??? I am sharply reminded that people have always been dumb... That it is not a new phenomenon.

Around 1941, there was a thing called the "Bellamy Salute"...

Yeah... Pretty sure as soon as some newsreels were shown from Europe, namely Germany, that salute went away pretty damn quick...

But wait.. it gets worse... June 14, 1954...

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation, under God. Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Now, being the militant Atheist* that I am... I am against the addition of the words "under God". It is just people of one faith exerting their will over those of us who do NOT agree with their particular flavor of Kool-Aid. I understand it was to let them thar Ruskie Heathens know we got an all powerful, Imaginary Friend on our side!

However, I do not like Christianity. I sold my soul to Jesus when I was 8 or some shit, but that was because at the end of the week long, summer bible camp, the chick gave out Lego's. When I was 8... I would have done just about anything for Lego's, yes... including selling my soul to Jesus. I will do another blog sometime about the Carpenter Cult and it's utter hypocrisy. And possibly one on my love of Lego's...

Patriotism never enters the equation. It is very similar to kids going to church. There is no such thing as a "christian child". There is a "child of christian parents". The kids do not really grasp the words they are saying. They are the literal sheep, following the herd and teacher/Shepard.

My Moms LOVES the clip of Red Skelton reciting the Pledge...

And I, being a fan of words and shit, like it too... UP TO ABOUT THE 4 MINUTE MARK!

Patriotism is actually DOING something for your country and fellow citizens. Putting your country and countrymen before your own needs and wants. All these "patriots" in D.C, and people who claim to "love their country"... But when asked what branch did they serve, you get stammers, blank stares, and averted gazes.

One of the great things about the people who actually serve this country, is that they allow the people who do nothing but take from this country to say and make whatever claims of patriotism they want.

I would have no problem with the Pledge resorting back to the pre-'54 versions. It would serve this country better. It would actually help reinforce the SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!

Living is easy with eyes closed,


* Militant Atheist - Um, we get together, maybe have a beer, discuss Star Trek and shit... NOTHING gets blown up and no one gets beheaded... Religions should try it.

This blog brought to you by Korn, Helmet, Cheap Trick ("Reach Out", made me wince), PJ Harvey, Nazareth, Warrant (WTF?), AC/DC, Aerosmith, Jace Everett, James Marshall Hendrix, Mountain, and the Lords of Acid.

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