Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Current Despairs

Cliven Bundy and the BLM Standoff

So, a "patriot" is someone who uses violence, and or threats of violence, to get out of paying a bill? I owe a credit card company a nice, hefty sum... Do you suggest pipe bombs, like the ones you have used in the past against the BLM, Mr. Bundy?

The guy has been told since the 80's to stop letting his cattle graze on FEDERAL land... They started fining him. His defense, "I don't think that's right." Tough shit, assclown. I don't think bankers and Wall St. types who almost bankrupted the world getting off Scott free is right, but I don't make the rules.

If the Gov. was coming onto his PRIVATE property and telling him his cows can't graze there, that would be an issue of infringement. This is not the case.

And a special "Fuck you, you Fucking Fuck" to (thankfully) former Sheriff Richard Mack, who, during the standoff, said he and his fellow "patriots":

"were actually strategizing to put all the women up at the front. If they are going to start shooting, it’s going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot by these rogue federal officers.”

Real patriots would not wipe their ass with these free loaders who masturbate, sitting in jello, fantasizing about a showdown with the big bad Government.

NRA and all the Politicians who can't get a soundbite out because the NRA's dick is in their mouths.

After the tragedy at Sandy Hook, the CDC was "commissioned" to do a study about gun violence in America. I say tragedy, the NRA saw it as a way to advocate getting more guns around schools... Solid plan if your name is Douchey McDoucheALot. Also, they blamed virtual guns in video games, which as far as I know have caused ZERO non-virtual deaths.

Congress, namely Republicans and dickless Democrats, have stripped the 2.6 million dollars that would be budgeted for completing this research. 2.6 mil in terms of Federal spending is like $2.60 to you and me... It does not hurt, except when all you want is some spicy nuggets from Wendy's...

Republicans strategy... If we can't stop legislation that may harm our gravy train with biscuit wheels, we will defund it. Affordable Health Care ring a bell?

What is the NRA afraid of? That gun violence will pop up on the top 10 killer of Americans? That statistics will come to light about the chances of being killed by a gun?  That myths that 1) Gun violence is decreasing 2) Criminals can't guns and 3) Nothing can be done*, would be shown to be just that, MYTHS?

I would be more than slightly amused if it were to be discovered that gun violence is like the #4 leading killer of Americans. Maybe then there would be an actual DEBATE on the subject. One I would not allow the NRA to attend.

That would never happen as the NRA lobby has their hands so firmly up the asses of politicians, that the lump in the politician's throat is the NRA's wrist watch. One is reminded of a puppet...

Flight 370

Why is everyone obsessed with this??? Because there is very little in the way of real mystery anymore. I think back to a little over a year ago and the rapid identification and apprehension of the Boston Marathon Bombers... 10 years ago, they might have been able to get away with it. 20 years, we would still be hunting.

This Flight is just... gone... The speculation has ranged from the plausible to the absolutely absurd.

It is more of a general "WTF???" then a concern about the actual perishing of the people, which is kind of sad in it's own way. I guess it has the "If it could happen to that flight, could it happen to mine?" connotation...


I have to go to The Land of Mormon for a conference. While I love leaving Texas... Utah would not make the top 500 of places to go... Outer Space is preferable... And I have seen "Gravity".

I should not bitch, but I know friends who go to conferences in Miami... San Diego...  Going to get some good training out of the deal, so... silver lining and what not. I have already Googled "liquor stores", "strip clubs" and "pubs" in the area... Good to go.

Earth Day.

The planet is dying, but I think she is going to make it real, real interesting in her last days. So, celebrate Earth day, and go back to destroying it for the other 364 days.

Yellowstone Caldera? Frakking quakes? Tsunami's? Fukashima Radioactive waste? Disappearing ice caps? What will it be that finally destroys us?

Instead of debating on whether or not climate change is man made or not, how about we do something about it. This is like waking up, going to your kitchen and finding a lump of shit in the middle of the floor and asking everyone, "Is it man made or not?"

Which is a step up from the worthless GOP, who would stand on said loaf and deny it fucking exists while also asking "What's that smell?".


The first thought in the morning, and the last when I go to sleep. I miss my friend.

Dog will hunt,


* from an interview with Garen Wintemute, director of the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis Medical Center.

This blog brought to you by Primus, Treat Her Right, Cake, Lenny Kravitz, Alan Silvestri, Led Zeppelin, Marilyn Manson, The Byrds, Anthrax, Columbia - A Groupie, Aerosmith, Iron Maiden, Foo Fighters, Wolfmother, Sir Elton John, Stevie Ray Vaughn & Double Trouble, Korn, Daft Punk, and The Doors.

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