Monday, May 5, 2014

Cheating... Kinda...

This weekend was primarily spent in Waxahachie at Scarborough Ren Faire...

Other point... The damn dog bloodied my nose on Friday. I was bending down to fuss with bed, she jumped up onto said bed and proceeded to headbutt my nose.

It was about a 4 second delay til a nice crimson deluge burst forth.

All that put together... I am beat... Still behind on a bunch of other stuff as well...

So... I am going to cheat... On Facebook, I posted some "Notes"... These are the precursors to this diatribe...

So... An oldie, but my fave...

Photos aka "Memory Lane needs 'Caution' signs".

Originally posted... September 20, 2010 at 8:35pm
Couple of Christmasi ago, the parents gave me a burned DVD.

It has all the pictures they have ever took, scanned and digitally preserved.

I have been looking through them. Seeing my Dad as a child in 1949. Seeing him as a high school student. Seeing him overseas, serving. Seeing him morph into the man in my memories. Being able to recognize where my memories and the archive connect.

Seeing my Mom as a child in the late 40's. Seeing her with a future ahead of her. Seeing her optimism coming through in black and white. Free of the tragedy that later befalls her.

Seeing how they both changed and are literally fucking glowing when the pictures no longer are of just Linda, just Alan - it's them. The constant.

Seeing the only recollections of an older sister I never knew. Seeing how Mom and Dad persevered after she died.

Of course, there are the pictures of me... that take me back to cold winters in Michigan, blazing summers in Texas, beautiful mornings on the beach, in Biloxi. The pictures that make me think "What was I on?", "Really, hungover on Easter morning?" and "Why did I try so hard to conform to being non-conformist?". Ex-wives... JOY!!!

The one that made me laugh out loud is the one from when I drove to my folks house in Topeka from Seattle. No AC in the truck (but two 12" subwoofers!) so I drove with the windows down. My left arm sunburned to all hell.

There are pictures that bring a wince. A tear to the corner of my eye. Memories tainted by time and betrayal from those in the images.

I see the changes my siblings and I have gone through, through the years. the one endearing, non-wavering entity being Mom and Dad.

Knowing that they have been further, lived harder, and been through more then I will ever fathom...  And came through it all loving each other more and more, every fucking day... Humbling.

Mom would say, "It was easy, I had your Dad". Dad of course would say "I just drove."

Much respect to the two people whom I owe everything.

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