Sunday, March 6, 2016

No Offense

If I were to say "What about all the good shit Hitler did?"... The audience would play a crucial role in how that query was received.

In front of a bat mitzvah... I am getting my ass kicked. No two ways about it. In front of the Aryan Brotherhood, I would get actual looks of pondering and nods in agreement.

First, let me be clear... Hitler was a micro-dicked, genocidal fucktard.

I can not go a week without hearing about how political correctness is "killing free speech" and making it impossible to speak your mind.

The Freedom of Speech is a tricky beast. I love that freedom more so than any other. I can walk right up to the President of the United States of America and say, "You Sir, are a piece of shit and a fucking war criminal." (This would have been applicable only from 2001 to 2008). No crime has been committed. No harm done. In other countries, that is a capitol offense.

Now, the tricky part is this: being able to say whatever you like is a beautiful thing. It is also a powerful thing. The Gospel of Spider-Man teaches us "With great power also must come great responsibility." (Amazing Fantasy, VOL#1, Issue #15). If you say something, you damn well better take responsibility for the reactions and repercussions.

In the USAF, I was feeling superior one day. Okay, to be more accurate, I was feeling even more superior this one day... I was giving a guy grief, just talking shit and belittling him.

"I'm sorry, did I not speak monosyllabic enough for you to understand me? Want me to slow it down for you to underst..." I never saw the fist coming. I did see stars though.

Later he apologized and wanted to know if I wanted to write him up seeing as how he was a reservist and was a higher rank than me. I told him no... I needed the beatdown for being a dick. He later told me that he was impressed with me...

"Because I did not write you up?"

"No... You should have been knocked the fuck out."

I learned in high school that I have a way with words. I can sway some opinions at time because I have a good command of the language and a decent delivery. Those two things are sometimes all it takes... How else do you explain televangelism???

I learned my lessons about how NOT to abuse my ability. In late 2014, I was seeing a Lady. She was an extremely attractive lady. This was the type of lady that I would take a picture, go back in time and show my 15 year old self, "THIS is what you will see naked one day!"... Anyways... She was hot... BUT she was having a tough time in the emotional and psychological department. Rough divorce and all.

I could have used a little charm... A little sweet talking and more than likely had my way with her. I, after MUCH internal debate, decided to convince/sway her to talk to a therapist and get some help. I did the right thing. I did the right thing. I did the right thing. I did the right thing... (I am still trying to convince myself.)

If there IS such a thing as karma... ANYTIME YOU ARE READY!!!!

Back to "political correctness"... You can say whatever the fuck you want. Just be prepared for the repercussions. "Well, then I have to watch what I say, and that ain't 'freedom'."

No, Pum'kin... You do not lack "freedom". You lack "balls".

If you feel that strongly in your convictions, but are worried about it being "received poorly"... well, gee... You must not feel that strongly.

Another thing... You had better fact check your shit.

If you speak the truth, political correctness has very little sway on your statement.

The leading Republican Candidate has been "Mostly False", "False" or "Pants On Fire" SEVENTY EIGHT PERCENT (78%) OF THE TIME!!!  The second runner up GOP fuckstick, the Canadian, meets those three distinctions SIXTY SIX PERCENT (66%) of the time...

And what do you hear about those two from the mouth-breathers their supporters? "I like that they don't give a dern about political correctness!"

Looks like they don't give a shit about being just plain "correct" either.

When someone bemoans the supposed loss of free speech to the P.C. police, my first thought is usually, "Just how bad do you want to use the N-word???" In my defense, I work with some real redneck types. Not all of them are racist... But some of them most definitely exude that vibe.

Seriously, what is in your heart that makes you want to say something hurtful, belittling and/or dismissive of an entire group of people?

Fear? Self loathing? Racism? Ignorance? Did Fox "News" put you up to it???

There is also the distinction between not P.C. and "hate speech".

I am not going to spend a lot of space on hate speech because... well... Who the fuck supports hate speech? There is not two sides to every argument. If you are spouting hate speech, you are not just being not P.C.", you are being inhumane... and like a rabid dog, I would have no problem if you were put down.... ATTICUS STYLE! (literary reference! R.I.P. Harper Lee!)

Now... As for being offended by something said that was not P.C.... &?

That's it... And? So?

There is nothing on the books that says you are immune to being offended. Nothing. Not one word in support of you being protected from something infwinging on your wittle, dewicate, sensitivities.

FICTIONAL EXAMPLE... Say someone, who is awesome as shit, and shall remain nameless. replied to a mass email at their place of employment to about 14 people. This someone told a joke in this email.

Here is the joke... Paraphrased, but the gist is there. It is in response to an email that 8 people in the mass email could not make a proposed date for a meeting, because they were in CPR training that day...

"The proposed date is out because 'Saving Lives' is important and all"

ONE of the recipients took "offense" to that. This person threw enough of a tantrum that the writer got written up.

How big of a wussy does one have to be in order to let something like that offend them?

To me, personally, it looks like they already had some beef with the writer, again.... nameless (and awesome as shit), and were looking for any opportunity to get them in trouble. You know... A dick move all around.

IF, again IF, I were to be involved in something like that and it really happened... I would want to tell the ONE offended person a couple of things... But would never say them because workplace harmony is vital...  BUT... Since this is FICTIONAL...

1) "Lighten up, Francis" (The Sgt. Hulka Initiative)

2) "You're offended? Fuck you."

3) "I am sorry you did not get the super complicated joke that a retarded third grader would called 'too mundane'."

Again... That would be if I were involved in the FICTIONAL EXAMPLE... And wanted to waste my breath on someone when compared to a wall is found to be the second best conversationalist.

Is there a problem with political correctness?

I think it was needed because people were tired of having to remain silent when some assclown was spouting hateful ignorant shit.

As with a great many things, I think there was a slight "over-correction". I think the claim of  "being offended" can be used a little too much. Slung around so much that it loses it's bite.

Same thing with the accusation of "I can't say what I want because it is not PC!". Bandied about a little too much.

Having to watch what you say is not an infringement on your Freedom of Speech. And you really don't have to watch what you say. As the prophet Eminem once stated, "I'd yank my fuckin' teeth before I'd ever bite my tongue."

If one does not properly gauge ones audience before speaking their mind, Political Correctness be damned... There will be no need for yanking... You can just pick them up off the ground.

Sender of emails,


This blog brought to you by Van Halen, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Simon & Garfunkel, Seven Mary Three, Stevie Ray Vaughn & Double Trouble, Love Among Freaks, Badfinger, Ludovico Einaudi, Ben Harper, Joey Ramone, Dangerous Toys, Pink Floyd, Deftones, Metallica, The Dust Brothers, Ugly Kid Joe, Iron Maiden, Yoav & Emily Browning, Korn, Deep Purple, Alice In Chains,  and Led Zeppelin

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