Saturday, February 28, 2015

Eye of The Beholder

What is beautiful?

The definition of beauty is "a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight". Well, there ya have it... 

Before you get all deep and introspective, I am gonna save you a lot of brain power... Beauty is like the Supreme Court and Pornography... You will know it when you seen it... 

This week I was shown a picture of a dress. Yes, that whole blue/black, white/gold bastard that made national news, which is a travesty in and of itself. I knew the dress could be seen as both, that there was an optical illusion transpiring. The vehemence of peoples opinions/comments reminded me of conversations about a celebrity's physical attractiveness I used to have in the Air Force.

"Oh, man... She is so hot..."

"I would not touch her with your dead dog's dick."

"Tell me how you REALLY feel."

Just this week, my Financial, Spiritual, and All Around General Well Being Adviser and I were discussing my ex-wives. So I said...

"Mom, I don't do ugly... Gotta have that spark..."

"X2 was the prettiest..."

"Really? She was hot... A complete junkie.... But hot..."

So I got to thinking about what defines beauty. And while the above definition explains it, it leaves out the vital piece... It could read "... that pleases the aesthetic senses of every individual differently, especially the sight."

There was a study involving the reactions of children... Toddlers, even... Measuring their responses to photographs of people. What the study showed was the more symmetrical the face... The more "attractive" the owner of said face was perceived to be. Apparently, Denzel Washington has a super symmetrical face...  and he can ACT TOO!

Attractiveness... Now, that is not the same as "beauty"... Let me clarify... Not the same TO ME. I can be attracted to a corporeal shell... and the person be a completely ugly individual on the inside. Think "Shallow Hal", without Tony Robbins sorcery. Now, would I engage in coitus with a person who was super hot, and a completely awful person?

Of course... I am a gentleman, not a monk. I have been heard to equate them to a Ferrari. Fun ride... Fun for a day... But you can't go get groceries with it...

I find the truth beautiful. Not belief... That is fantasy. No, when you know something to be right. Something you can rely on without question. I know that my Mom loves me. That is a truth. I guess I just like being right... Especially at work, when my knowledge/judgment is questioned, and I know I am in the right... THAT is beautiful.

I jump into chatrooms, and some have webcams. I am sharply reminded of the movie, "The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly". There is a lady who I see about four times a year... She is jaw droppingly gorgeous. Eyes that melt your face off and you apologize for your face being all melty. I have talked with her... At first just to make mention that she was a very beautiful lady. Then I did something the gaggle of other males neglected to do... I continued talking to her... She is a cool person... Who lives on the other side of the damn planet... *sigh*

As I am in the "dating" arena now, I am driven by first impressions...  Looks come into play heavily. I want to be attracted to my potential interest... I want to want to pursue. On the sites I am on, there is always a "quickmatch" feature. You swipe their photo to the left to "pass" or swipe to the right to "accept",,. Or it is a "Yes"/"No"/"Maybe". 

Typical session goes a little like this...

"No, No, No, No, No, No, No, Hello! <checks profile> - NO!, No, No, No, No, Hmmm <checks profile> - Maybe, No, No, YES!, No, No, No, No."

Does that make me shallow? To a degree. A degree that I can totally live with. I know what MY definition of beauty is... 

Like a Supreme Court Justice... Probably Thomas... Don't judge me!


This blog brought to you by Metallica, Bowling For Soup, Ugly Kid Joe, Gruntruck, Steve Vai, Polyphonic Spree, The Presidents of The United States of America, Counting Crows, Tenacious D, The Beatles, Genesis, Los Lonely Boys, Dethklok, James Marshall Hendrix.

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