Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Serious Inquiry...

There are mysteries. There are enigmas. Was Oswald the lone shooter? Chicken or egg? Why do fools fall in love?

I know all the answers to those listed... But another question vexes me... Who decides the level of complexity on Sudoku puzzles?

I am a creature of habit and ritual. I welcome the unfolding of events as they should be. I also enjoy and look forward to the incorporating of new structures and rhythms... The settling into a new routine... This is usually accompanied by a person entering into your life on a more then temporary basis. The disruptive aspect countered with nudity and touching. It all works out!

In the morning, before showering, when evacuating waste materials from the body, I enjoy muddling over a Sudoku puzzle book I keep in drawer next to the commode. It helps get the thinkin' a goin' as I do my biz. I skip the first section of "Easy". I can knock those out, only fearing actually writing down the wrong number in the wrong square because I am thinking three placements ahead. I find where the "Hard" puzzles start, say at puzzle #120. I go puzzle #110, in the "Medium" section, and start there. I gauge the complexity and proceed.

When I arrive at work, fire up the box, check emails for fires and emergencies, discover the FSOTD*, and post said FSOTD on the ol' Facebook. After those critical work functions are accomplished, I snag the current offering from the "Original Page A Day Sudoku Calendar". Monday and Tuesdays are "Easy", Wednesday and Thursday are "Medium", Friday and Saturday are "Hard". Sunday is the "Very Easy" one, combined on the same page as Saturdays. The Sunday puzzle is for people like Sarah Palin. A drunk Third grader could complete it before her.

I can tear through book's "Hard" puzzles, more than a modicum of thought being expended... The calendar's hard puzzle? It makes me feel like the aforementioned drunk Third grader. I mean they kick your mental teeth down your mental throat. You feel defeated most of the time. They win. There are those glorious days where you see the patterns, can do the eliminations and envision the solutions... and you feel like the smartest person on the planet. Then Saturday, the Third grader is looking for his bottle.

Book's "Hard" puzzles are not in the same realm as the calendar's "Hard" puzzle... If the calendar's "Hard" puzzle was in the book, it would be categorized as "Satanic Mind Molester".

So... Thus begs the question... What council, what coven, what quorum was established to say, "This Sudoku puzzle presented before us shall be deemed.... MEDIUM!"? (Then they chant something like "SO IT IS SAID, SO SHALL IT BE!" or "FOR THE GREATER GOOD!" ) (And yes, there are torches and they are all in hooded robes. Don't judge me!)

And for the record, a Third grader's preferred beverage... a Mint Julep (with fresh mint leaves). Bubblegum schnapps would seem to the be the obvious spirit of choice, but they find it too cliche.

Oswald was not alone, the egg came first, and fools fall in love because they are fools.

Fool at large,


This blog brought to you by No Doubt, Steve Vai, TOADIES!, Green Day, Lords of Acid, Faith No More, and Drowning Pool, The Doors and The Cars.

* FSOTD - First Song Of The Day. I have about 4800 some odd songs. I fire up the tunes on shuffle and the first song of the day is posted...


  1. Such a great sense of humor. I'm all for answering the question with your "Satanic Mind Molester" theory. Third grader looking for a bottle? Can't wait to use THAT one!

    1. The song 'Highway to Heaven' comes to mind...
