Sunday, June 28, 2015

It's Wha Bwings Us Togethah Twuday

This week the Supreme Court, after being schooled as to just what the fuck a marriage is... Did something right.

They allowed "same sex marriage" to be now known simply as "marriage". People who love each other can now get married. States who are trying to stem the Rainbow tide can basically suck it.

I quipped in a Facebook post:

"Today, Discrimination got told to "Fuck off. There is no place for you anymore. You are the tool of the fearful, obtuse, weak minded, and myopic."

Sadly, discrimination is never going to go away. That is because there is no shortage of the fearful or obtuse. We are chock fucking full of the weak minded and myopic.

Even if the LGBT community was accepted with open arms, people will find another group to fixate on as the cause of all their woes. If they can't figure out what to fear, they will watch Fox "News" and within an hour, they will figure something out...

I have witnessed discussions betwixt the opposing camps on the Marriage Equality issue for years. Every argument posited by the, oh let's just call 'em "Haters", has been summarily proven to be without merit and lacking substance.

The first thing the Haters grab is the Big Ol' Book of Hypocrisy... The bible. "It's a sin! Sez so in black and WHITE POWER.... I... mean white!"

Yes, it does say that... It also says something about killing all non believers and people wearing mixed blends of fabric must die? It also defines marriage in a slew of ways that are none to moral in this day and age.

Another couple of points about the bible as the crux of the Hater's case... 1) The bible is of NO concern to the laws of the United States of America. It has no legal value... It is as important to the legal system in this country as "Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban". Argumentum Deflaytus

2) I, for one, and a rapidly increasing demographic of the population, have come to the realization that religion is bullshit. It is control and promise of something there is no way to know a damn sight about.

After telling a Hater to shove their bible up their ass, figuratively speaking of course, they employ the go to, "Sanctity of Marriage".

If Ashton and Oliver next door being married is causing you problems in your marriage, I have a suggestion... MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. Try concentrating on your house and getting that in order.

Besides, I guarantee you their yard will look fab-you-luzzzz.

I like words (Ya think?). Sanctity is "the quality or state of being holy, very important, or valuable". Well, I have made my feelings crystal clear about the whole "holy" thingy. Very important? Yes, marriage is very important. You know which of my three marriages was the most important?

Pick a damn year and I'll tell you.

Valuable... That's interesting... Value is determined by the individual. With a divorce rate of 51% in this country, I would say some values are being estimated differently by individuals.

I have heard of a trend of "Starter Marriages". Where women, primarily, get married in their early years, seeking stability, and possible financial gain. When the well is dried up or they feel they achieved what they want and are NOW ready to seek out love... Divorce...

Sanctity indeed.

If the Hater has had those two standard arguments against equality slapped down, they get desperate... The "What's next???" Gambit...

If you allow the Gays to get married.. What's Next?????????

The list has included....


Some of those have been spouted by PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES... in a year starting with "201"...

Never mind it was religious cultists who practiced polygamy. Fuck you, Mormons, I see you.

Never mind incest is usually a Southern practice... Same area of the country that hosted the biggest populace of people against marriage equality... And also the largest sales of homosexual erotica? That's right! Dicks-E-Land!!!!

Never mind that pedophilia is usually heterosexual in nature. Catholics, fuck you too.

Never mind that bestiality has been against the law in.........14 states? Really? Really? That bears a modicum of scrutiny...

Never mind that a lot of people equate their marriage to this anyway...

The fear is that someone will be happier than you. It is gonna happen... Deal with it, but don't deny the happy.

It is not religion that makes you a better person, it is empathy. Being obtuse is pathetic, and I am not one for pity.

The weak minded will be dealt with... Darwinism, like love, wins.

Myopic... We all have our moments... The trick is to realize when you lacking the intellectual insight and TRY TO REMEDY IT. Don't camp out on the end of the spectrum reserved for people who have been kicked in the head by barnyard animals... probably when they were trying to do bad things to said livestock.

The Supreme Court of The United States of America just wrote the prescription...

Now... SCOTUS, about that Citizens United,


This blog brought to you by Ween (The Rainbow... how appropriate), Bad Company, Korn, Pantera, Toadies, Guns N' Roses, Mungo Jerry, Wolfmother, Cheap Trick, Metallica, Deftones, The Beatles, Sammy Hagar, Dante, Rufus Wainwright, and the Marketts.

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