Sunday, April 12, 2015

Jesus Hates Indiana

I let the Christians off last weekend for two reasons... It was Easter, the Day of the Zombie Jewish Carpenter, and I had to go back and make sure I did not repeat myself from an earlier blog...

I should really categorize these a bit better with meta tags... But that is not your concern... Moving on...

In the state of Indiana, the Religious Freedom Act was passed. I can only think this was a move to give attention to the epidemic plague of Christian values getting trampled. I know it is all to common to see homosexuals, liberals, Atheists, and the rest of the heathens, blocking good little Christians sheep from going to church... If I see one more bible burning... ugh... It breaks my heart when I am in a public bathroom and see a Crucifix toilet cake...

I have repeatedly heard the cries of the god-fearing, trying to protect our nation from Sharia law. It reminded me of a time when I tried to protect everyone from Shania Twain... It took a while, but, have you heard her lately? You're welcome. They both pose about the same threat level.

The main language of the Sharia law bills is such that it "Stops religious texts from a foreign land dictating the laws in the U.S."... Um... The Bible was NOT written in Joplin, Missouri and yet, more than a few laws have a huge slant towards one particular cult.

Christians main role model... A martyr. So, when they wear a bracelet that says "What Would Jesus Do?", they take it as "If I have been inconvenienced ever so slightly... It must be because I am a Christian... Which means they hate my religion. Ohhhhh... the persecution... it burnses!"

You are probably receiving the slight inconvenience because you are an asshole. Just because you are a Christian, you are probably a bigger asshole because you have a "Holier Than Thou" attitude about it.

In Indiana, if you are a business, you can now refuse to serve anyone if they live a lifestyle that you do not approve of, based on "Religious Freedom". I personally do not know how this needed to be a law. Let's role play this out...

1) Gay people/Muslims/African Americans/Canadians come into your place of business.

2) They would like to give you legal tender for your goods or services.

3) You, being a homophobic/religious extremist/racist/homophobic/jingoist whatever, piece of shit, don't want to take their legal tender. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!

4) You have a sign that says "We exercise our right to be religious homophobic/extremists/racist/jingoist whatever, pieces of shit and refuse the right to serve anyone". Hell, you have it painted that painted in your window. Which is good, because you should never hide your true feelings... regardless of how fucked up they are.

5) You point to said sign. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!

6) Gay people/Muslims/African Americans/Canadians look at you with pity and leave. They tell their friends. Their friends tell their friends. Soon, you are left with the KKK in your joint. Seig Heil. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!

End of story. Why did this need to be a law? A private business retains the right to ask people to leave. Darwinism will sort that shit out. Were people able to sue the business for "Denial of service"? I would think that would only apply if a contract had been entered into, not a simple transaction.

I probably should have researched that part a little more for the blog, but since I think it is just more stupidity under the banner of "Religion"... I am only concerned because the fucking Christians are passing laws. How long before I am rounded up for moral indecency?

A co-worker has talked about opening a martial arts dojo. I asked about his business plan. I also asked what would happen if a homosexual man wanted training. I asked this because my co-worker told me he once refused a drink because it came in a martini glass and he felt "threatened" or "emasculated" by it. Nice guy and all, just a tad afraid of catching the "gay".

Well, if Texas gets "Religious Freedom", he may have an out!

A lot of people are boycotting Indiana... Um... What was the draw to Indiana in the first place? Honestly? What is the only shining light on this topic is that Indiana businesses have been obtaining stickers for their windows that express "This Business Serves Everyone". You can be damn sure if I were to ever find myself in that state and I had a choice... I'd pick the business with that sticker in the window.

Voting with the almighty. The almighty dollar.

Speaking of cash, I am almost finished with "Going Clear: Scientology and The Prison of Belief" by Lawrence Wright. In this book he details the history and incidents within the church and life of L. Ron Hubbard.

It is indeed shocking what people will put up with in the name of religion, and how much it costs them.

I think about explaining all the stuff about Xenu, Aliens, Galactic Confederacies from a Quadrillion years ago, and "thetans", to some of my friends... And how they would, without fail, tell me that is "Crazy".

Yet, these same people will get up early on Sundays. Get all gussied up. Drive to the Lower Case "t" Building. Listen to stories about resurrections. Living in a whale. The raping of angels. And a deity punishing his disobedient subjects in a lake of fire, for all eternity, because he loves them?

The author did himself a disservice by limiting the "Prison of Belief" to just Scientology.

I saw a quote this week that made me quite happy, "Blasphemy is speech that has been outlawed to keep your religion from losing arguments."

Reese's Peanut Butter eggs are still awesome,


This blog brought to you by Prodigy, Van Halen, Foo Fighters, Down, Motley Crue, Sonic Youth, Cake, Anthrax, Green Day, Tomahawk, Led Zeppelin, John Carpenter, and 311.

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