Sunday, October 12, 2014

Matter vs. Antimatter

As I find myself getting older, which most definitely beats the alternative of "death", I am learning more and more about things that really matter and those that don't.

Now, with this realization, one must also take into account that this is wholly personal. For example, I am involved in deep conversations with a new friend. Thus far, the biggest disagreement has come in form of "e-Reader VS. actual, flammable, smelly*, easily destroyed, can't get wet, heavy when amassed in great numbers, paper cut inducing - therefore 'bloodthirsty', books." Does anyone care to venture where I stand on that issue?

Does it matter? Hell to the no. It will, however, come into play if she were to ever ask me to help her move... THEN it matters. I envision on the 8th load of a box marked "Books", there's me... Giving a tilted, knowing, "Hey, you wanna know how heavy a 32gb Micro SD card is?" look, cast in her direction.

That example brings into sharp focus the facet of "situation based importance of the matter at hand", or "Alice", for short. Having been married three times, I know that my quick thinking skills are never more important and truly matter than when confronted with the "Hey, does this outfit make me look fat?" Crucible. I should probably make mention that I am thrice divorced...

I think this was whole topic was brought to the forefront yesterday as I was out and about. I stopped in Half Price Books. Went to the vinyl. Nothing. Well, there was an $80 copy of Pink Floyd's "The Wall" I just could not justify... As I have two copies already... I went to the art books (YES, those I will go with "real" over the e-Reader, Shuddup!), no Micheal Parkes. I did check their Blu-rays for "Hitchhiker's"... Nothing. So I leave.

I go to Party City... Halloween costumes... Meh... Although... a Deadpool morphsuit could be fun... But too esoteric... Quality fangs? Nah...

I go to Best Buy, my other toy mecca. I am at a place financially where I have no trouble being able to drop about $500 on just about anything, AND have it paid off with having paid zero interest. Not hurting... THIS used to be a downfall... Because I would continuously find things that MATTERED. I could easily justify the most inane shit that invariably found it's way to eBay at a huge loss to me.

I eyeball an XBox One for a while... And I can't even bring myself to consider it... WTF? I had the discussion with Dad a while back, concerning my lack of "enthusiasm" towards getting new, shiny toys...

"You have gone through your 'acquisition' phase. Now comes maintaining."

"What comes after that?"

"Downsizing. Finding out what REALLY matters."

I also remember talking to a co-worker, years back. He was essentially a hoarder. If he saw a deal, in his mind, it was economically stupid for him to NOT get it... He had over fifty fishing poles... Two arms last I checked... Important note: He was also in a loveless marriage. He jokingly quipped one day, "I don't know why I feel I have to do this sort of thing?"

"It is because you have a hole you are trying to fill. Right now, you are filling it with material possessions. They won't let you down. They won't withhold from you. Sadly, they won't fill that hole you keep trying to fill.", was my reply.

"Damn... You are right. How'd you know?"

"Why do you think I have so many toys? That, and we can smell our own."

I eventually filled my hole... Well, the patch is holding. I am just more focused on what matters.

So... What does matter?

Lessee... In the foreseeable future...

1) Texas Ren Fest - GOTS to get down to the ren faire. It has been far too long since I have been armed in public... And all that Mead Training I have been doing...

2) Mid Term Elections - Just when you thought it would not get political... 73% of Americans are not aware there are elections this year. WAKE THE FUCK UP! Here is a little tidbit to help snap you out of your lunacy... Congress (which is comprised of the House of Reps, and the Senate) has an 8% approval rating... and a 90% incumbency rate... What is the definition of "insanity" again?

In the local arena, the big one is to see who will take over for Rick "Reverse Superman" Perry. On the one hand you have Wendy Davis. Mostly remembered for her "Standing Up" filibuster for women's reproductive rights.

The attack ads on her are about how she is too Republican in her shady dealing. Basically, "This is how we scam the system! Get your own playbook!"

She is going up against "Who Cares About a First Name" Abbott. Perry clone. The attack ads literally call him an empty wheelchair. Seeing as how he is IN a wheelchair... I can see them taking umbrage with it... But that ad also talks about how he got his eight figure payday from the accident that put him there and he has voted against pretty much every case of victim's rights since.

3) The Cast of Characters in my Life. My friends. My family. All 32 of you... You matter!

Seriously, that is kinda sad... By family I mean Mom and Dad. I was alarmed that last week's blog thingy made Mom cry. I made mention that Dad was a hero of mine... She got all silly about that...

My friends... You know who you are. There is need to get together and plan the aforementioned numero uno trip... Let us make way to the northern Houston area... And that right quick.

There is a new person coming into the mix... I am liking where things are heading, but always with trepidation, concern, and caution and it is so very early in it's formulation.

"Pineapple" and tapping "Shave and a Haircut" for a non-verbal, good to know,


* For the record... I miss the smell of the pages sometimes... But it helps my argument. Don't judge me!

This blog brought to you by Stone Temple Pilots, Cake, Nirvana, Metallica, Anthrax, Daft Punk, The Rolling Stones, Ozzy Osbourne, The George Baker Selection, The Troggs, Queen, The Kinks, and Savatage!

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