Sunday, October 19, 2014

Can I Get The Piss On The Side?

As I text a lady friend that, "I got nothing", in reference to this week's posting, I start to wonder why I have nothing to rant and rave about.

I then think about an interview with Sully Erna, the lead singer for Godsmack. In it, he intimated that it is hard to write angry or be all pissed off when you are rich/happy.

While I am far from rich, I will admit that I am pretty damn happy.


Work is a nice break from being home all the time. It also allows me to catch up on the TV I miss when DJ'ing chatrooms at night. I also have to plan out five sick days I have to use before the end of the year.

We are about to be in a nice stage of upheaval. We are shifting modes of operation... I could go all Weird Al "Mission Statement", which is a song of nothing but corpo-jargon-speak. Regardless, the system that has been the bread and butter, that I wrote and maintain, is getting gutted.

There are pieces of the existing code that will be retained, and retooled. A more modern version, if you will. I am enjoying switching the language of the code. Something of a challenge.

The new software is pretty neat... I look forward to getting in there and learning the new system. This way, any municipality that uses this software might be able to use a programmer that can actually modify the UI or data structure to be more conducive for them... In other words, I can go anywhere that uses this widely used, industry leading software package.


As I mentioned, I am not rich. I am, however, all about the financial plan I have instituted. I am gonna try like hell to stick to it.

It will take a year of "sacrifice". Which essentially means, no buying swords at Ren Faires. I can handle the limitations. No shiny, sharp, metal objects!!!!

After this stupid year... I should be out from under a credit card bill I have had since I went to Butler County Community College. GO Large Predators, Some Type of Bear, I Think! Thankfully, the interest rate is still what it was in 1991, when I was issued the card...


The damn dog is doing well. She needs to drop a couple of the pounds. She is also either going deaf or being more of a spiteful diva.

I say that because when I come home at lunch to check on her and let her out, she is almost oblivious to my entry to the house until I wake her up... This was NEVER the case before. So, THIEVES... C'Mon over!

When she was had her neck problem that caused her to yelp in pain, she avoided me like a plague. If I came in to a room, she would leave, PDQ.

It has been at least a month since she has yelped... Closer to six weeks (Yes, I knocked on wood). The other night, as I got ready into bed, loving the sensation of the cool sheets enveloping my body, she jumped up on the bed. Spun twice and plopped on down. First time since mid-June? Yeah... I cried a tad.

The weather is getting to the point on my rest nights from the gym, I should take her for a nice walk. Get her used to the harness I bought. That and not let her finish my damn sandwiches for a while... She should slim down in no time...

The Folks

The parents celebrated their 49th anniversary of being happily married this week. I think the longest I have ever done anything is I have breathed for almost 42 years...

I know that their accomplishment is something I could never achieve... So, as I know they my most dedicated readers, Mazel Tov, Mom n' Dad. You make me sick. In a good way...

I also know and am pleased that I will get to see them soon, albeit briefly, as they are gonna come down and watch Lily for a weekend. That is because...

Texas Ren Fest

Got to get my mead on. Got to wander around, armed in public. Nov. 8th and 9th I believe is the plan. Houston bound. Time to dust off the kilt...

And Finally... 

I have been seeing someone. Met her online. We have a lot in common, almost too much. We both hate people. We both would like to escape Texas at some point. We both love to read and write.

"Other than your lack of flossing, I find you to be a truly stunning person." - Text from her. Honest. Safe to say she likes me.

If I can get over my inclination to wait for the other shoe to drop, it could have legs... Almost as nice as the legs she happens to possess.

It is still in it's infancy, so I am almost remiss to write about it... But it all Taratino's back to my original point...

I am pretty happy. I got no real bitch in the world... I mean... Sure the gym could get another stair machine... I mean, really... One???

I also have to get a crown on a tooth this week... You can still drink with those temp thingies, right??? And since ol' girl is in the Dental Game, I will refrain from saying anything detrimental...

She did let something slip though... If you are an asshole... They can make it hurt more then it should. I actually thought that was awesome-sauce.

Hopefully next week, I can be back to my curmudgeony bastard self...

Mother, did it need to be so high?


This non-blog brought to you by Cake, Metallica, Weird Al, Nirvana, The Darkness, Pink Floyd, Anthrax, Slipknot, Led Zeppelin, Rodrigo Y Gabriela, and Korn

* "Marathon Man" reference... Watch it and really, REALLY fear a dentist... Well, Nazi Dentists... "Nazi"... the new adjective for "Evil Fuck".

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