Sunday, July 13, 2014

When All You Have is a Hammer...

Everything looks like a nail.

We have an epidemic of gun violence in the good ol' U.S. of A. More so than a lot of developed nations that do not have restrictions such as those in Britain and Australia.

First and foremost... Let us clarify one thing... If you say "They're cumming fer mah guns!!!" and there is nary a soul on your porch or, (most likely) in front of your double wide, from the ATF, with a warrant for your arsenal of penile compensators, then THEY ARE NOT COMING FOR YOUR GUNS.

After the current President got elected, a friend, who is a rabid gun nut, blamed the new President for jacking up prices of ammunition... I was like a Rottweiler with a baby in it's mouth... I was not letting that one go... "HOW is it his doing???" No answer. That was just a company agreeing with the President that Americans will cling to their guns and bibles and they made a buck or a million off it...

Since Columbine (April of 1999), there have been 130 some odd school shootings resulting in at least one fatality. Some might say, "That was 15 years ago!, 130 isn't so bad!" I am sure ones perspective would change if a massacre were to occur at a school where their little parasite attended.

That is just in schools... Workplace incidents? Suicides by firearms? Gang violence? Hooded teenagers with Skittles? If one were so morbidly inclined, I am sure they could find gun violence to be a daily activity. We have a new national pastime!!!!

Both sides of the issue have their specific rhetoric...The gun nuts* hold up the 2nd Amendment like a shiny, all powerful standard as they march along... Meanwhile, them being able to quote or identify any other important pieces of the Constitution is a dubious proposition, at best. The biggest gun nuts, the NRA, has repeatedly spouted nuggets of verbal feces that are good for soundbites, but found to be indigestible to anyone with half a brain. For example...

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun." True... Usually, they are called "cops" or "soldiers"... They have extensive training. It is not some dipshit who spent one Saturday in a rec room and got a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) who will more than likely add the problem vs. help it. So, if you want to stand by that statement, apply to a police academy or go down to the local recruiting office. Otherwise, try again, thanks for playing.

Now, I have friends who love to find the one or two stories a year where a crime is prevented by a law abiding citizen with a firearm. "Oh the coverage is disproportionate..." Well, yes... A class of elementary school kids getting killed is a tad more newsworthy then when a crime does not happen...  For every one or two stories of that nature, I could find 10 to 20 not so happy incidents involving a firearm.

The last set of reforms to be up for a vote, with 90% of the populace supporting the measures, did not pass... The NRA is to blame for that one... One of the provisions in the reform was to be a tad more stringent on the background checks... Mainly because, the whole "determining who is a good or bad guy with a gun" has been failing miserably. Remember the "Joker" guy who shot up the theater when the last Batman flick opened? All his arsenal... Legally obtained.

Friends o' mine also like the stance of, "The gun is just a tool... If a person did not have a gun, then it would be a hammer or a knife... Ya gonna outlaw them????" This argument is an advanced variation on the idiotic "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." True... but as the philosophizer Eddie Izzard noted, "Guns do help."

On the same day of the Sandy Hook tragedy, a guy in China went to a school with a knife and stabbed or sliced 23 people, mostly kids between 6 and 11 years of age. Ah... see... didn't have a gun!!!! True... but here is the kicker... NO ONE DIED!

The NRA is also very much into assigning blame. They actually blamed VIRTUAL, PIXELATED weapons and bullets for the damage caused by REAL, NON-IMAGINARY weapons and bullets... That is ballsy. Complete and utter horseshit, but ballsy.

I know Americans will never allow the passing of anything that would remotely hinder access to firearms. We are not fighting "guns"... but more so the "culture of guns"... It is a hodgepodge mix of the sport of hunting (legit), the power of life and death a weapon bestows to it's owner (I do NOT want that power), the compensation for a small penis (Buy a big truck too!), and self preservation and protection (also legit).

I had myself a nice Glock 21 SF... .45 caliber... Extremely nice weapon, got it for a STEAL... I went to ranges and remembered my training from the USAF, and fired off enough rounds to realize that I am still bad ass... And that was it... Until the AC broke down. In Texas. In August... So... Bye bye gun... No use in protecting my stuff if it's all melted...

I may or may not ever own a gun again... It is not even on the radar... However, the moment that the government says I can't... That is when I WILL obtain one. And as for the Zombie Apocalypse... No worries. I got swords. No reloading.

The solutions are there but not simple, but will never be enacted. The answer is not "No guns", and the answer sure as hell is not "More Guns". I personally am for taxing the living shit out of all gun and ammo sales. Sin tax in effect, yo. All that money goes to mental health funding... Because in the end, crazy people will always have access to something that can do me and you harm. Bush, Jr. invaded Iraq... Just an example...

This week, people lost their shit and saw a pic of Spielberg sitting in front of a sprawled out Triceratops. Some of these Einsteins actually accused the director of JURASSIC FUCKING PARK of hunting and killing a dinosaur. THESE PEOPLE PROBABLY OWN GUNS!!!! THAT SHOULD SCARE THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU!!!!

Sir Psycho Sexy,


* Gun nuts... I understand having a piece for home protection... I understand having a couple of weapons for practicing and the joy of going to a range and developing your skill as a marksmen... Coolio, this term does not apply to you... But if you have over, say 10 guns... You may not be the "problem", but you sure as shit ain't the solution.

This blog brought to you by SlipKnot, Guns N' Roses, Led Zeppelin, Tenacious D, Incubus, Aerosmith, Journey, Anthrax, Simon & Garfunkel, Burden Brothers, Weezer, System of A Down, Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Darkness, and the Beastie Boys.

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