Sunday, August 6, 2017

Suspension of Disbelief

I missed last week's entry... I started twice, but ended up scrapping it because it felt contrived and ill conceived. I just was not in the right head space. I had read an article that if you don't really believe in what you write, the readers will feel it.

With that in mind...

The LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE is a fucking idiot. Believe THAT.

I have repeated said that I didn't want to make my blog a repeated bashing of the mentally ill... but for fuck's sake... The guy makes it too tempting. Let's look at some recent greatest hits.

The Boy Scouts JamborHe Won't Shut The Fuck Up

How difficult is it to give a speech to an organization and not make it political. An organization that promotes some decent philosophical and moral viewpoints. An organization who holds a big rally, mainly comprised of people who CAN'T FUCKING VOTE!

By bring up the fact that last WINNER OF BOTH THE POPULAR VOTE AND ELECTORAL COLLEGE, TWICE, did not attend a Jamboree, the Orange One went for cheap applause points.

Well, LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE, maybe he did not attend because he wanted to be on the right side of history. President Obama was fighting for marriage equality. He was fighting for equal rights. The Boy Scouts of America were not really that welcoming to those ideas.

President Obama DID send in a recorded message for the attendees. It was his way of addressing the children, but still giving a cold shoulder to the organization. In other words,  President Obama was presidential, not petulant.

3 Tweets/Unlawful Orders 

The scariest aspect of the current administration is the fact that the LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE is the "Commander In Chief". I actually feel bad for any enlisted person who has to salute that piece of shit, draft dodging, LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE.

If I were a general, I would find every excuse to never be in the same room with that person.

In late July, the LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE, tweeted, over three tweets, that due to "costs" and "disruption", transgender people will not be allowed to serve in the United States Military.

First... The delay between tweets was of "Holy Shit" magnitude. The first tweet ended with "the United States Government will not accept or allow"...

The next tweet came NINE MINUTES later. It was reported that some generals were getting a little more than frazzled because you just don't know what kind of horse shit will spew forth from this ass clown (who... by the way... was the LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE). Some were concerned that he would declare war against North Korea.... via tweet...

The first part of the first tweet also included the phrasing, "After consultation with my generals and military experts..."

What are their names? Is it your Vice President Pence, aka "He Who Hates Gays"? Was it Sebastian "Nazi In Waiting" Gorka (this guy is a complete cunt nugget - look him up)? Was it Steve "Reported Self Fellatio Enthusiast" Bannon?

Thankfully, most generals have stated that they do not take orders from fucking tweets.

Second... To blame it on "cost"... Puh leeeeeeeez! It took about thirty seconds for media outlets, fake or not, to do let everyone know that particular piece of "Reasoning" was utter nonsense.

10x more spent on erectile dysfunction medication. That was the first one I saw.

Everyone pretty much agreed that the upper limit of medical expenses for transgender medical costs was about 8.4 million dollars. That is out of a 6.2 BILLION dollar budget.

In April, the LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE launched 59 Tomahawk missiles into Syria. The cost of replacing them is about a million bucks each. So... if he had launched 50.... MATH, PEOPLE!

In his campaign, the LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE had promised to protect the LGBTQ community. I guess by not allowing them to serve in all the wars he is probably going to start... In a warped as fuck way of looking at it... He is fulfilling his promise.

"Don't be too nice."

While addressing police officers in Long Island, the LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE, spewed forth a tirade of such mind numbing, asinine, shit from his word hole, that it left me agog...

He spouted over and over again, how terrible things were in Chicago while on the campaign trail. This is where he first brought up "Super Tough Cookie Motorcycle Motorcade Cop". A cop who claimed that, if given the authority, could have Chicago cleaned up "in a matter of days."

At this speech, he brought him up again. One funny little issue... No one can find this cop...

The speech was a slap in the face and a kick in the balls to any ground gained in a very strained relationship between cops and citizens. Cops need to be held to a higher standard, and citizens need to understand that modern cops, in SOME cases, are fucking trigger happy, wussified, control freaks.

Cops are supposed to be respected... The job is tough, granted... but a lot of cops seem to think that they are "in mortal danger" if someone fucking sneezes... I would hope that if you are a person, who controls life and death on your hip, that you have a bigger set of balls.and an even bigger brain between your ears.

Maybe the LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE just has a hard on for Chicago because the current mayor of Chi-Town was also a major player in the former administration and was/is more respected than anyone in the current administration...

And maybe because it is the former residence of the WINNER OF BOTH THE POPULAR VOTE AND ELECTORAL COLLEGE, TWICE.

"That White House is a real dump"

First and foremost, this is an unconfirmed quote. This was supposedly overheard in a locker room at a golf club. You know... the place that the LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE said he would never get to see again because he would be working "sooooooo hard".

The sad part of the quote is, even if it is untrue, no one was shocked at the possibility of it being said.

There was no overwhelming, "PSHAW, I SAY!!! PSHAW!" by the LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE's supporters.

More of a, "Yeah... I can see the LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE saying that."

I remember here tell of a piss tape with Russian hookers... Same reaction.

I feel bad for comedians... They usually mock someone by emulating them to a more severe degree. They emphasis the character flaws in the targets of their jokes.

How...? I mean... Really? The LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE is a damn cartoon. He often remarks that the rest of the world is laughing at the United States of America...

No, Mr. LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE, they are laughing at you.

I am not possessed of a willingness to suspend my critical faculties and believe the unbelievable; sacrifice of realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment. (Hey... THAT'S A DEFINITION!)

I get no "enjoyment" from this tragedy playing itself out before my eyes. I can't go a Scaramucci (new measurement of time - more than a week, less than two; about 10 days) without a new horror committed by the LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE.

It does, however, make me able to kick out a blog I believe in.

And lastly, to all Game Warden's (the only law enforcement peeps with the authority to arrest a President)... When you slap the cuffs on the LOSER OF THE POPULAR VOTE, don't be too nice.

People try to put us d-down,


This blog brought to you by Tesla, Dangerous Toys, Daft Punk, The Zombies, Tenacious D, Paul Simon, Deftones, Type O Negative, Goldie + Henry Rollins, The Dust Brothers, Queensryche. The Dave Brubeck Quartet, Goo Goo Dolls, Fleetwood Mac, Simon & Garfunkel, The Who*, and Anthrax. 

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