Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Highest Card

So far, this year has been... well... A steaming pile of shit.

First of all, Rickman and Bowie. I left out Lemmy, as he kicked it in 2015... But still... If this is the way 2016 is going to go, it will be a rough year. I am more and more pleased with my decision to buy insurance on my Black Sabbath tickets for the September show. HOLD ON, OZZY!!!!

Secondly, I had a wonderful head cold. I was coughing up stuff with enough substance to give it a name... "And I shall call you 'Lumpy'!" I am finally feeling like my old self again. It was during my "not-going-to-the-gym" and "not-doing-a-damn-thing" that I discovered an old show to binge on. "The West Wing". Solid writing, good cast, fun show. Got me to thinking...

I don't know if you have heard, but there is a presidential election this year. I know... Snuck right up on ya, didn't it?

We had a Mega Jackpot Lott pool at work, and after seeing the "hookers and cocaine" lottery guy, it made me envision holding the big check, with all the zeros, and being asked the question... "What do you plan to do with all that money???"

"Buy political influence. I hear it is a buyers market this year!"

In this election cycle that has gone on forever already... We have 283 days to go. For Xmas this year, I am giving everyone a break from campaign commercials.

The candidates are not set in stone as of yet. There have been umpteen million contenders, but there are four main would be kings. (I do fully realize that with this many players on the board, this early in the game, the finicky nature of the American voter... all is subject to change... )

Dishonorable mentions:

Chris Chirstie - Would be in it, but will be forever stuck on the bridge he had shut down.

Martin O'Malley - Who?

Ben Carson - The "WTF" factor on this guy just kept getting larger and larger and larger.

Marco Rubio - Makes me want to play a game involving a pool. A news article compared him to a computer... Basically, lacking a soul.

Jeb! Bush - There are times that I know that my words will truly never be able to convey the feelings and message as well as someone else could... This is why there is youtube. Here is how I feel about another Bush in the White House...

Hillary "Remember the 90's???" Clinton

The name recognition. The lengthy resume. The legacy... All of that means squat if people can't trust you. The Benghazi Hearings were political theater, designed by the GOP to knock her down in the poles. Mission Accomplished. They bragged about it.

All they have proved is that she did not do anything wrong. Dragged her name through the mud nonetheless. The one shining light from all that nonsense... When the accusers started screaming that "She was in charge, it happened on her watch, she is to blame.", and someone said... "So... by that logic... 9/11..." They shut the fuck up pretty damn quickly...

Ted "The Canadian" Cruz

He's fucking Canadian! How is this even a thing? In all reality, he is hated by his own party as much as he is hated by the Democrats. John McCain called him a "wacko bird"... I don't know if in "old bitter bastard" speak that is really, really bad... But it sounds like it...

The hatred of Ted Cruz is not a recent phenomena either... He has been disliked for decades... His college roommate has been pretty vocal in his disdain. This was in COLLEGE... When all you had to do to be accepted was NOT be a dick... He couldn't manage to do in four years... Do you know how long a presidential term is???

Bernie Sanders

I know who I'm voting for.

So far in this election, there are two candidates not fellating billionaires and multi-millionaires. One is Bernie Sanders... The other...

Donald Trump

NOTE: I fear writing this because all the good jokes have been written... Will do my best not to plagiarize... And if I do... it is either subconscious, or too damn good to pass up...

The only reason Trump is not cozy-ing up to billionaires? BECAUSE HE IS ONE!

Funny thing about his "humble" beginnings... He started out with a meager, $1,000,000 gift from his Dad, an even bigger racist... Now, the Donald loves to tout his "business acumen"... He says he is worth about 7 billion... According to some, he would be worth more if he simply invested it and done NOTHING.

While Trump himself has never filed for bankruptcy, FOUR of HIS companies have...

If you look at all his speeches, all his campaign stops, all his television appearances... HE HAS SAID NOTHING! Apologies... Just wanted to draw some attention to the previous sentence. Not a thing... He is a sound bite candidate. There is NO strategy! There is NO plan! There is no SUBSTANCE!

A candidate has to stand for something. I may hate the Republican party, or the sick twisted version it has become, but, dammit... A tried and true Republican stands for limited government with fiscal responsibility... unless it is a social issue, then they must legislate the fuck out of it... Government that hurts Big Money = Bad... Government that legislates THEIR morality = Good.

Donald Trump is beholden to no one but himself. The first question in the first debate... "Would any candidate run as an independent if they did not receive the Republican nomination?" Three guesses who raised their hand...

This week he was endorsed by Sarah Palin. She had to take time out of her busy schedule of bailing out her abusive son, taking care of her two bastard grandchildren... or is it three? I know her "Values" preaching daughter has two out of wedlock... She also has that one... Trig... Which is also the name of the class that no one in the Palin household could pass.

Trump supporters have a common trait it seems... They like to be told what is going to happen. They like to led to believe that they will be safe. They are basically subs... Not like a substitute teacher... No, like a submissive (The guy with a leather mask getting whipped by a dominatrix.)

My friend at work likes to quip that "Trump is just saying what everyone is thinking"... I politely correct him.

"He is saying what everyone is feeling. There is not a lot of 'thinking' going on."

In the past two elections, I did end up donating to a candidate... And they won... Both times.

My biggest regret is that they got my email address. I have gotten 16 emails already today from Hillary and the DNC... This is only going to get worse. Fucking politics.

Regardless of who you are voting for, please vote.

I will be doing my best to not go off on this stuff too much for the remainder of the election cycle...

I'm Douglas Denniston, and I approve this message,


This blog brought to you by Duane Eddy & His Twangy Guitar, The Brothers Johnson, The Lemonheads, Alice In Chains, The Knickerbockers, Led Zeppelin, White Zombie, The Cult, Wings, Metallica, Korn, Anthrax, Stevie Wonder, Dr. Frankenfurter, Lords of Acid, Winery Dogs (Check these guys out... FANTASTIC band), The Darkness, America, The Beatles, and Guns N' Roses.

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