Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Big Game... And by that I mean the damn Super Bowl.

This Sunday is the "Big Game".

A couple of things...

1) NFL, Fox, or whomever is in charge, please allow everyone else to say "Super Bowl". This did not start until a decade or so ago. "Big Game" is not really covert. I do dig Stephen Colbert's "Superb Owl" coverage though.

Are you that insecure or think you will lose that much revenue? Did someone actually do the cost analysis and crunch the numbers and made a presentation stating, "If we do not allow people outside the broadcasting family to use the words 'Super Bowl', we can make another $22.57." If the revenue LOST, not just revenue gained by others, by allowing other stations to say "Super Bowl" is more that 6 digits, I will be surprised and feel bad about this post. For a total of 4 seconds.

2) The NFL and Fox control the ads, not you. I had a verbal sparring session with a friend, who I respect a great deal, about a commercial getting pulled. It was for a gun company, and pretty much conveyed the message that without a fully automatic assault rifle, an ex Marine is powerless to keep his wife and infant daughter from waves of inevitable robberies and rapes.

My friend stated that it was hypocrisy and the "anti-gunners" at fault. I pointed out that it would only be hypocritical if an actual anti-gun ad was allowed and this commercial for penile compensators was not. My friend pointed out that they allow booze and sex ads. Apples and oranges. The people in charge are avoiding controversial TOPICS, not scantily clad women folk hawkin' beer. I don't want to see pro or anti gun ads, nor pro or anti abortion ads. "Guardians of the Galaxy" ad - Hells. Yes. Please. With a cherry on top.

3) Enough with the animal prognosticators. Unless you handcuff two cracked up monkeys together, one in Bronco's colors and the other sporting Seahawk's garb, and glue knives into their hands and let the Thunderdome begin... I am pretty tired of it. A porcupine has predicted the winner correctly three years in a row? That same porcupine ate it's own shit the other day and asked for seconds. "I am convinced it has the gift..." (and ate corn recently).

4) The Half Time Show - Unless the person performing is someone you are actually a fan of, it is usually A lengthy bathroom break. Bruno Mars may be a very talented individual. Great. Lessee... Bruce Springsteen, Prince (who put on a bloody fantastic show), the Stones, Paul McCartney... Bruno, you have been measured and have been found lacking. Severely

5) Winners and Losers. There is an "I" in Team, and it is pronounced "Manning". I have yet to hear anyone say a negative word about the guy and he seems to throw the ball really, really, sickeningly well. The Bronco's defense may be shaky and mostly anonymous, but they have an insane offensive safety net. In the AFC Championship game vs. New England, they had two drives of over seven minutes long. Basically, for a minimum of 25% of the game, they kept the other team from touching the ball.

The Seahawks are firing on EVERY cylinder. I like the cornerback Sherman. One may see his trash talking and after NFC Championship game interview and draw the conclusion that he is a brash upstart. The guy literally just made the game winning interception in the waning seconds securing his team's trip to the show... He was a bit amped. The guy is a Stanford grad and working on his Masters. Kudos. The QB Wilson is an omega level threat in multiple ways... and really, really, sickeningly young.

In conclusion... Seahawks will probably win, but I want the Broncos to.

Hut, hut, omaha, omaha,


This blog brought to you by Primus, Crash Test Dummies, Alan Silvestri, Rodrigo y Gabriella, MC5, and Faith No More and a host of others...


  1. Good luck to both teams.
    I'm for the Super Powers "Guardians of the Galaxy" vs NFL and Fox.

  2. And the Seahawks won;........Just.......Like........That......
